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It was the first day of Louis coming home after the incident as well as the day I will be watching the girls, Pheobe and Daisy. Currently they were out in the yard playing with Rango as I was nervously pacing back and forth in the kitchen. Last night I stayed up until around three in the morning cleaning the whole house. I cleaned the house about three times. Three whole times because I was nervous. I don't know exactly why I was nervous probably the fact that I haven't lived or interacted with Louis for two years. A lot can change about a person in a span of two years even if they were still in a coma. I know that I loved Louis that was for sure an actual fact and I don't know why I was over thinking this day. I was turning into my normal teenage girl ways. I would always over think and analyze even the smallest of things and create these stupid fantasies in my mind that will never happen. There was like a 0.001 percent that they would happen and to show how little they would happen there are three zeros before the one, three.

Phoebe and Daisy came running into the house laughing and screaming some incoherent words and they stopped once they saw me probably seeing the pained expression on my face. I probably looked constipated. Trust me I'm not constipated, at least I don't think I am.

"Are you okay El?" Daisy asked as she pulled out a kitchen chair and stood on it so that we were face to face. "You have a funny look on your face." She commented.

"Kinda like you gotta pee." Pheobe chirped causing Daisy to go into a fit of giggles.

"I don't need to pee but maybe you guys should go in before we leave." I said lifting Daisy off the chair and setting her on the ground.

"But I don't need to pee." Pheobe whined as Daisy went off to go to the bathroom. Pheobe always reminded me of Louis. She was like the female version of Louis but obviously younger. She was always trying to make people laugh and happy just like Louis and she would say little side notes and things about stuff under her breath when it was too rude to say out loud but she would still say it loud enough so if you were standing next to her you would laugh at how this little girl had no filter at all. I think that's why Pheobe got along with me so well at the beginning. I mean obviously Daisy got along with me too but it took a little while longer because she was so quiet and reserved which was the exact opposite of Pheobe. Pheobe was always the voice for Daisy if Daisy didn't like something or didn't like the way things were going you could see it in her facial expression but she was always too shy to say anything but Pheobe would notice and say something. It was cute how they both looked out for each other, I mean obviously they would fight all sisters' fight once in a while but they would always end up saying sorry and go back to giggling and sharing inside jokes.

"Remember what happened last time?" I asked Pheobe crouching down so that we were face to face she would always tell me she liked looking at me when we talked because it hurts her neck looking up all the time. She shook her head stubbornly not wanting to re hash on the incident we had earlier this month. "I'll tell you because you don't seem to remember and me being the kind of person who believes that you should learn from your mistakes. It was a sunny day which is weird for England or Doncaster for that matter and you girls were so bored because school let you out early because of exams and you guys wanted to do something but Lottie was out and your mom was gone as well. So I decided it was time we took a trip to the beach remember the beach? Well on the drive to the beach a certain little blonde girl needed to use the bathroom really bad or she was going to pee her pants. However there were no petro stations so I had to pull the car over and walk her a bit into the meadow so she could-"and that was when Pheobe stopped me placing a hand over my mouth and telling me she was going to go pee just as Daisy came skipping out of the bathroom.

After about fifteen minutes we were all settled in the car and it took longer than usual because Daisy and Pheobe wanted to bring Rango but I told them that we couldn't because he is a dog and they don't let dogs into the hospital and I had to explain why they don't allow dogs into hospitals. Then Daisy said that Louis might need a jacket because the sky looks sad and she ran back into the house to get the jacket while Pheobe and I tried to figure out what we wanted to listen too. Daisy came running out her nose red and her cheeks pink as I handed her a tissue to wipe her nose and she threw the jacket on the seat. "I hope Lou is ready to go and doesn't take a nap again." Daisy mumbled under her breath.

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