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I was gonna be late. I knew that I was gonna be late I have just finished my night classes but I stayed back to ask the professor a question and then he began to lecture me about his family and how his wife doesn't have sex with him anymore and that he only comes to this job to watch amateur porn on his desktop when he doesn't have a class. that whole conversation in itself is something you shouldn't talk about with your students not even your female students.

I was rushing out of campus to catch the last bus because I didn't like walking the streets of London half past ten. so I tried to make it to the bus that arrives at 10:25 but as I was running I could see in the distance the bus pulling away from the curb and going down the street.

"shit." I mutter out of breath from running across campus. "just fucking fantastic."

I let out a heavy sigh and begin my walk back home. I tried to walk on the lightest side of the street but even then people would stare at me like I'm some fresh cut of meat and these were hungry dogs. I was coming up on a bar with bury men standing out front loitering and drinking and I kept my head down not wanting to make unnecessary eye contact.

"hey pretty girl where you going?" one cat called pushing himself off the building as stumbling to block me.

"no where." I said quietly still not making eye contact as I looked at my shoes.

"oh well why don't I take you back to mine." he said gripping my arm.

I pulled away from him and took a step back bumping into a wall. I finally look up and see about three guys all taller and more muscular than the next walking towards me with a devilish grin.

"feisty I like it." one said licking his lips which reminded me of a dog.

they began to crowd in on me muttering profanities and nasty things and I just tried to block them out. I felt weak and helpless and that this is it. I'm going to die here in front of some pub about a a block or two from my apartment. then I began to cry but they didn't seem to care as their nasty, dirty hands where all over me and their pungent breathe fanning on my neck and face. I just cried.

"what the fuck is this!" some one yelled from behind the men.

"none of your business, you twink." one said looking back.

"obviously it is if you are basically raping a girl in front of my bar!" the unknown man shouted pulling one of the men away and throwing him on the ground. "you drunk bastards better get off my property right now before I bash your heads in then call the police." he said knocking the other two guys on the ground.

they got up and started to stumble away saying profanities directed to the man that knocked them on their asses. I was currently crouched down on the ground my face wet and puffy from crying. I was still looking down.

"hey love are you alright?" he asked and my head shot up looking directly in those blue eyes that caused me so much pain.

"Louis..." I said barely above a whisper and then the world turned black.

I woke up my throat dry and my eyes watering. I was back in my bed with my pajamas on and I laid back down in my bed realizing thy it was just a dream. no wait scratch that more like a nightmare. I opened my eyes again and dragged myself out of bed it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning, thankfully I didn't have classes tomorrow. I filled a cup up with water then turned back to walk to my bed.

"Ellie, you are awake." Louis said just as my glass slipped from my hand and onto the floor completely shattering. "Shit El!" he chuckled before rushing over to help me.

my head was starting to spin and I gripped the wall but then slid down the wall my legs going weak. my vision was becoming blurred from the tears that were beginning to form. I was a complete mess.

"El, baby please don't cry." Louis cooed carefully going over the glass and next to me. "you're too pretty to cry." he said moving a strand of hair behind my ear gently.

"no don't touch me." I said moving away from his touch. "please don't touch me." I cried wrapping my arms around my shivering body.

"El please don't do this." he replied quietly still crouching next to me.

"no don't call me that!" I shouted getting up and taking a step back the bottom of my foot immediately colliding with the shards of glass. I looked down at the blood and my skin paled I felt sick to the stomach. my knees gave out from under me and I fell forward.

I felt strong arms grip my body moving me away from the glass. his scent filled my nose as I clenched on to his shirt. Louis brought us down to the floor where he was holding me as I cried into his chest from the physical pain and the mental pain. "Louis, why'd you leave me?" I questioned into his chest.

"shh, baby girl it's going to be okay." he whispered into my hair.

"don't leave me again please." I pleaded gripping onto his shirt tightly as quiet sobs escaped my shaking body.

"shhh Ellie just be quiet." he said softly rubbing circles in my back as I cried into his arms.

maybe it was the fact that I was in hysterics from seeing him and him holding me like this again or maybe because whenever I saw him I fainted but I felt safer in his arms but I knew that he wasn't going to stay. he just can't keep that promise.


okay sorry this is sucky my sincere apologies but I would like to s/o those who comment on every chapter or vote for every chapter I literally read and try to respond to your comments because you guys make my day and here are a few that I remember harrylover47 and @MissSmith14

oh and another thing Try Hard reached 13k reads I'm super stoked bc I remember when I first started it I thought oh no one is gonna read this but look 13k ppl have and I'm so happy thank you all xoxo

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