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I was leaving her again. I was always leaving her. I hated leaving her. whenever I left she would look up at me with her green eyes and pout her lip slightly and she would say that she didn't care but I knew for a fact that se did care because she would try to find ways to make me stay. but now i was leaving her to go to work and she was pretending to be asleep her limbs wrapped tightly around me.

"Ellie I know you're awake." I sighed trying to pry her off of me. she groaned as an answer. "Ellie come one I have to go to work." I said taking her arm off me but she instantly wrapped it around me again.

"no you don't." she said into my neck.

"yes I do." I said rolling my eyes at how childish she is being.

"call in sick. just stay with me." she said gripping onto me tighter.

"Ellie as much as I want to I can't." I said turning to her and tucking he hair behind her ear.

"I'll come with." she said looking up at me biting her lip nervously.

"no El, I don't think you would want to do that." I said knowing that bars weren't really her scene.

"why not?" she asked innocently.

"Ellie I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I sighed defeated.

"Louis as long as I'm with you I can never feel uncomfortable." she smiled kissing my neck softly.

"can you be ready in ten minutes?" I questioned knowing that she wouldn't be able to be ready.

"yes." she smiled before jumping up and pulling off her shirt revealing her white lace bra and I couldn't help but look at how skinny she got. her hip bones where protruding more than ever and you could see the small bumps of her spine. she quickly grabbed a black long sleeve thermal and threw it on and slipped into some dark washed jeans and threw on her jacket and scarf and slid into some rain boots before going to the bathroom to wash her face and teeth. she fixed her make up and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. "nine minutes even." he said standing in front of me as I slipped in my clothes again.

"I should've said five minutes." I teased grabbing her hand in mine as we walked out of the apartment.

we pulled up to the bar and got out she immediately grabbed my arm holding me as she looked around her eyes frantic and wide. "okay?" I asked softly in her ear.

she nodded her head but I knew she wasn't because she was beginning to shake and didn't look at me like she always did she just tightened her grip on my arm. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights in the bar and closed the door behind me. I tossed Ellie an apron as she jumped but caught it and ties it around her. "since you wanted to come can you clean up the tables and when you're done you can just chill at the cashier." I said not wanting her to talk to anyone in the bar because in about twenty minutes it would be full of men getting drunk and trying to get at any girl they see.

soon some of my worked came in saying hi and looking at Ellie curiously. as Ellie say at the cashier opening and closing it. "Ellie, love please stop doing that." I said when I noticed Emily one of the waitresses here was staring at her.

"is she your niece or something?" Emily asked tying the apron on her.

"no she's a really close friend of mine. how old do you think I am?" I asked laughing at her remark. Ellie was a few months younger than me considering that my birthday is in December and hers is in April but she doesn't look that young.

"oh I thought you were like 30." Emily laughed. she was a college girl that needed a job so she came to my bar one day and I gave it to her she is a bit ditzy but she gets the job done.

"honey I'm 23." I said shaking my head as I was cleaning the bar.

"how old is she?" Emily asked looking at Ellie.

"she's 22, same age as you." I informed her, "now shouldn't you be working?" I asked as soon as some guys started coming in. "do you have any idea where Claudia is?" I asked Emily.

"yea she's out back." she shrugged going to get the order for the guys that came in.

Claudia was the same age as me and she was always getting in trouble. I don't know why I hired her, she's had past drug issues and was a prostitute for some time but I guess I always believed in second chances. she was a pretty girl with bright blonde hair and dark grey eyes and she was curvy but she wasn't Ellie who was beautiful I every way shape an form. "I'll be right back." I said quietly to Ellie as I walked past her she looked at me curious as to were I was going but I told her to stay as I walked around back to get Claudia.

I opened the back door cool air immediately came rushing in and sending a shiver down my back. I turned to see Claudia pinned to a wall and a burly man attacking her neck with his hand under her skirt. I grabbed a broom from inside and banged it against the garbage can making them jump apart. "inside now." I said through gritted teeth.

"Louis, a few more minutes please." Claudia said the man looking at her like he was about to rip off her clothing.

"get inside before I fire you and you wouldn't want to be out on the streets again selling your body for money now would you?" I asked looking at her as her face dropped and she kissed the man roughly good bye as his large hand gripped we ass a sight that made me want to vomit. she walked past me giving me a glare and I just rolled my eyes at her and closed the back door locking it behind me. Claudia threw on her apron tying it around her waist then going out front. I followed behind her as she walked past Ellie. Ellie watched her with a sort of child like look and Claudia winked at her causing Ellie to turn away quickly looking back down at her hands. "don't let her get to you." I whispered to Ellie causing we to jump slightly before she realized it was me.

"Louis you scared me." she smiled faintly and looking back down at her hands.

"sorry, what are doing this weekend?" I asked leaning against the bar.

"nothing I don't think." she answered turning in he stool.

"well you know Zayn and Caroline and their little girl Delia?" I asked her and he eyes light up at the mention of Zayn and Caroline.

"yes of course. thy are so cute together." she said quietly.

"well their daughter is turning one this Saturday and Zayn invited me would you like to come as my plus one?" I asked with a smile.

"yea of course, I love babies." she smiled back her eyes lighting up.

"yea I know that's why I asked you, silly." I laughed leaning down to kiss her nose. "after work we will go back to your place alright?" I asked and she nodded kissing me quickly on the lips and then turned back to the register I smiled then turned back around to see Claudia leaning against the bar with a smug look on her face. "aren't you suppose to be working?" I asked sharply.

"she's cute." she said winking then turning back around again and walking off towards a group of people.

I still don't know why I haven't fired her yet.

sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy but here you go it sucks I know

hope you are having a nice new year and ilysm xoxo

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