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warning!!! basically this chap is gonna suck bc I have writers block & school is stressing me out & here's a cute pic of low quality Louis to make up for it
it's been a couple of days so now it was Saturday morning and they decided to release me today. Louis has been by my side the entire time and I've been feeling about better. right now we were driving back to my apartment so I could shower and put on clean clothes and then Louis would watch me eat again and make me take my medications before we go to Zayn a house for the birthday party.

we walked into the apartment and I lazily took off my clothes leaving me in my under wear as I slowly walked to the bathroom holding my clean clothes and I turned on the shower waiting a few minutes of the water to warm up. I looked at myself in the mirror and I cringed at how horrible I looked. after being in the hospital for two days and not being able to shower my hair was greasy, there were bags under my eyes, and my skin felt dry and shiny. I quickly got into the how're the hot water washing the knots and tension from my shoulders and back away. I got out of the shower drying my body and wrapping the towel around my hair as I slipped on my jeans and a white shirt that was knitted and at the bottom there was lace I walked out of the bathroom bare footed to see Louis sitting on the couch waiting with a sandwich and my bottles of pills and a large glad if water.

"okay?" he asked looking at my face closely.

"okay." I sighed taking a bite of the sandwich.

I wasn't hungry. I was never hungry but Louis was sitting here watching me with his bright blue eyes and I knew that if I didn't eat he would sit there until I did or he was feed me himself. he knew how stubborn I can be so with every bite I take I forced it down my throat. I finished the sandwich and took each of the pills and swallowed each one down with water. I turned and looked at Louis I couldn't read his face as he picked up the plate and glass and took the medications and went to the kitchen. I took the towel off my head and followed him he was standing his hands holding the edge of the sick as he tightened his grip on it. I wrapped my small arms around him laying my head against his back. "okay?" I asked quietly.

"why did you do this to yourself Ellie? you are beautiful and perfect whatever way you are, you didn't need to do this." he said his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on the sink even more.

"I don't know Louis. I just don't know." I sighed still holding him as I was lost for words.

he turned and held me, his hands holding my waist while my hands were still wrapped around his torso. "I want to see you get better. please get better." he said placing his thumb and finger under my chin lifting my face so I could look him in the eye. "you are beautiful." he whispered softly before kissing my nose.

I was lost at words I couldn't say anything. because he has been the first person to care everyone else just brushed be off as the girl that is going through trouble but Louis cared he truly cared. I just wanted to make Louis happy because he deserved all the happiness in the world and I wanted to be the source of that happiness. I nodded my head and Louis pulled in close to him. I didn't notice until now that he didn't have his piercings in anymore. I wanted to ask him but I didn't feel like talking right now I just wanted him to hold me as he traced shaped into my back.


we pulled up to some duplexes and Louis and I got out of the car. we stopped by toys r us before we came here to get her a present except Louis wasn't allowed in because he was banned from toys r us for vandalism and trespassing. I laughed as he just shrugged and walked back to the car. I picked the gift and a bag to put it in. I picked up a card and signed it with love from uncle Louis and Ellie. so we were now walking up the pathway and Caroline decorated the house with a banner hanging outside saying happy birthday and down balloons tied to the pillars it was cute. Louis placed his hand in mine as I knocked on the door you could hear the kids screaming in joy and the noise of chatter. Caroline came to the door holding it open, she saw Louis and smiled then she looked over at me and pulled me into a hug and I could feel her shaking from crying.

"Ellie I've missed you so much." she laughed pulling away and wiping some tears away.

"I've missed you too Caroline." I smiled my hand still in Louis's.

"well come in. come in." she said ushering us into the house. I handed her the present and she took it with a smile placing it with the others then she lead us to a group of people I haven't talked to in a while.

"Ellie!" they all shouted before I was bombarded by hugs.

"hey guys." I laughed as the pulled away and said hi to Louis.

I looked around to see children playing in the small yard and around the room that was full of adults and a few babies with their mothers and some kids were running around inside. I took a seat next to Niall ad he smiled placing an arm around me an pulling me into his side. I laughed because I remember when Louis would tell how much he hated Niall and how annoying he is and here he is drinking beer and laughing with the rest of the group. Liam was talking to his new girlfriend Sophia or Sarah one of those names I didn't really pay attention and Harry was being chased around outside by a group of kids I couldn't help but laugh at the slight. I looked for Louis and he was talking to some people I didn't recognize and then his eye caught mine and he smiled before going back to the conversation. Zayn and Caroline where talking in the kitchen about something Zayn was laughing and Caroline was rolling her eyes biting we lip trying not to laugh. Zayn then placed his hand on her stomach and kissed her cheek as she smacked his hand away and her hand softly went over her stomach once more with a small smile before pulling Zayn in for a kiss.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Louis holding a bottle of water and handing it to me before taking a seat in between me and Liam.

"Louis how is the bar?" Liam asked with a smile.

"great actually. you should stop by. actually you all should stop by." Louis said with a smile before taking my water bottle and drinking from it and then handing it back.

"trust me I will take you up on that offer." Niall said laughing.

"just don't drink all the beer alright mate." Louis laughed.

"no promises." Niall said taking a drink from his beer.

I loved seeing Louis like this. surrounded by his friends and laughing and having a good time. it seems like the year Louis took away from me, he was actually able to find himself and a steady job and all I did was cry and develop and eating disorder. it's weird how things work out but I'm proud of Louis and how he's been so happy with his life right now and him being with me made me even more happier. I just loved Louis when he smiled, his smile is the best thing about him.

I know it's short I know it's bad and I know I did horrible on this but you should've read the warning and knew what was in store again sorry I'm just not feeling it today guys but I did give you an update even though it was sucky lol

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