Chapter 25

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"Where did you and Sehun do the whole day little sis?" Chanyeol asked Yerin while they were eating their dinner with their father.

"You went out with Sehun during class hours?" their father follow-up questioned acting surprised and delighted at the same time

"I.. uhh. Yes dad. We sneaked out of school this morning. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Oh dear." He schoffed "What are you apologizing for? I actually think it was sweet of Sehun to think of that. Sneaking out of school during school hours just to spend time together is really romantic don't you think?" he answered with a grin.

Chanyeol laughed at his father. "You are such a hopeless romantic dude dad. You should be scolding her. She is a girl, a top student and she spent an entire day with a boy and you have no idea what they have been doing. Doesn't that kind of picture look improper?" He said.

"Oppa!" Yerin glared at him. "We just talked and walked at the Han River. Then eat lunch at a nearby diner. That's all. I know what's right and wrong" She defended herself frowning at her older brother.

"See." Their father butted in. "And come on Park Chanyeol, she spent the day with Sehun. What's there to worry about? Why would I scold her for that? I might not be too obvious but I actually ship them both." He said.

This made Chanyeol laugh harder. "Did you just use the word ship dad? Are you a teenager?" he asked.

"Yes and yes. It's too boring at home and I have been watching too much chick flicks to last me my entire life. Plus, I also read at wattpad. They use the word plenty of times." He explained.

"Unbelievable." Chanyeol breathed.

Yerin laughed at both of them. She always thought that her brother and father have both been struck by lightning at the same time that got their souls and personalities exchanged. These types of bickering from a father and son might not be so normal to watch for other people but Yerin doesn't want her family any other way.

"Anyways." Chanyeol spoke again. "I notice you don't hang around much with Taehyung anymore like you two used to. Did you two have some serious fights? He hasn't been bugging me in a while and I hate to admit it but I kinda miss being annoyed by that twerp." He said out of the blue.

Yerin was caught off guard by the sudden change in topic. She knew Chanyeol would notice it soon but despite that she hasn't prepared a proper answer for him.

The truth was that she wasn't ready to tell him everything, or even anything just yet. She doesn't know how she would tell her brother everything Taehyung said especially the part where she had learned that Elena was dead.

Yerin knew that despite the tough façade Chanyeol has been showing, there was still a part deep inside his heart that aches for the presence of Elena in his life. There was still a part of him that wishes the girl he loves comes back to him. Because despite all accuses and fear they had for Elena, a huge part of their hearts believed that she had a reason, especially Chanyeol. He had never doubted her in his life and somehow, he kept a small amount of hope in his heart that still believes in her.

Yerin saw her brother suffer a lot, cry a lot and die in pain back then. She felt his pain and sufferings. She didn't want to see him get through that again.

She was glad Hale had come to his life and somehow made him forget and start over. It was still too early though to think that he has completely healed. She was scared that if she told him, he would get broken once again.

If telling him the truth would hurt him, then Yerin chose to keep it to herself, for now.

"Yerin." Chanyeol called her attention. "Did you hear me?"

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