Chapter 8

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Yerin was so glad it wasn’t a limousine that Taehyung brought to fetch her, nor was it an attention-seeking one. She didn’t feel like going too overboard for what he called a ‘get to know’ dinner. She was also hoping and mentally sending a prayer that he wouldn’t go to those kinds of extremes like renting the entire restaurant or closing the entire city.

“No. I didn’t rent the entire restaurant. I would have, planned to but hyung specifically told me not to. Don’t worry” Taehyung said leaving Yerin embarrassed.

“Did I just say my thoughts out loud?” she asked hiding the pink shade of rose that glowed in her cheeks..

“No. But it’s written all over your face. And Chanyeol hyung prepared me about those kinds of stuff so as not to fail on this and to not make you too uncomfortable. It’s really helpful.” Taehyung explained.

Yerin sighed. Her brother really looks into everything.

The ride to the center of the city was more than half an hour. From time to time, Taehyung asks her questions like how she finds school or what her favorite subject at school was or why she sucked at Mathematics as she told him. He never took it to a personal level like asking her about her family and other stuff, yet.

Yerin recognized the street they were slowing down in. She and her family frequently go here to bond and eat and catch up with the time they spent apart. In this street locates her most favorite restaurant.

“Isabella’s!” she grinned happily as the car made a turn to the beige painted building. It was the best Italian restaurant in town, and as for people, Yerin to be exact who loved pasta and all stuff Italian, it is the perfect place to be.

“He said you loved pasta” Taehyung grinned too, seeing as how the large Lucida Calligraphy written billboard that speaks ‘ISABELLA’S’  has made Yerin exceptionally vibrant.

“That, and I superbly love this place too.” She smiled.

The car went into a halt as it reached the parking lot thrice the size of the restaurant itself. Taehyung hastily got out of the car and sprinted to the other side to open Yerin’s door. He assisted her in getting out and led her towards the entrance of the building.

A tall lean girl with blonde hair curled to perfection stood by the door with a beam on her face. She was wearing a casual dress matched with a wedge heel that made her look a lot taller than she already was.

Taehyung instantly knew she wasn’t Korean.

“Yerin! Darling!” the girl spoke in a not so Korean accent.

“Unnie!” Yerin excitedly called back. The two hugged each other as their distance condensed. “It’s good to see you. I wasn’t able to see you last time my father, Chanyeol and I went here.” She said.

“It was very unfortunate that I had to fly to Italy for some problems, dear. Anyway, I asked Chanyeol earlier why he wasn’t with you and he told me you’d be fleeing here so I came to welcome you.” She explained “And who might this fine young man be?” she asked as she eyed at Kim Taehyung with sparkles in her eyes and a smile or more like a smirk tugged on her lips.

“This is Kim Taehyung, Unnie. He is a close friend of mine and he sort of asked me for dinner and took me here.” She introduced. “And Taehyung, this is Isabella. She’s my bestfriend and like my older sister and she owns this place.” Yerin turned to Taehyung

“It’s a pleasure to meet you mi lady.” Taehyung said as he took her hand and landed a soft kiss on it.

“Well. What a handsome gentleman you are. The pleasure is mine Kim Taehyung” she answered emphasizing his name nodding in admiration with the other’s gesture. “Anyway. I won’t waste anymore of both your time. I hope you’d have a splendid night in my humble place. Take care of my little sister will you Mr. Kim?” She said and welcomed.

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