Chapter 26

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Chanyeol wasn't a psychic or a vampire who can read people's mind but there was one thing that he was excellent at and it was reading her little sister.

He knows, sees and senses that there is something wrong with her in a single glimpse. He becomes aware if something was bothering her with a single sigh. More than being blood-related, Chanyeol's heart and mind knows almost everything of her sister. Through the years he has connected his heart in hers. He had learned it from the times he had kept his eyes on her.

He knew they were not in good terms everytime he see how her eyes become sullen at the sight of Taehyung. Even Taehyung who was always been so jolly and annoyingly happy has become so silent and gloomy.

He knew from the start that there was something wrong but he just chose to let them settle their problems on their own believing it was just one of their petty, childish fights.

But when he saw how things have gotten overhand, he couldn't sit still any longer. It was one of the things he hated the most. He hated not knowing what was affecting her sister like this.

He had failed on her once as a brother and doing the same mistake again would kill him.

He took his phone and dialed Kyuhyun's number.

"Ohh." He answered. "Park Chanyeol. It's late in the evening. What do you want."

"What re you doing?" Chanyeol asked.


"Yeah right, I can hear you clicking the mouse." Chanyeol scoffed.

Kyuhyun sighed. "Fine. I'm just finishing this game before I go to sleep. Now what are you calling me for?"

"I need a favor hyung."

"Precisely the only reason why you would call me." Kyuhyun scoffed. "Come on Park Chanyeol, you beat Sehun, I need my revenge."

"Okay. I'll come over soon. Just do me this one favor. Can you get into Yerin's phone and look at her conversations with Kim Taehyung?

"Ok. Fine. Give me a second." He answered.

Chanyeol patiently waited for him. He knew it was going overboard stepping into both their privacy but he can't keep calm unless he could make sure that it wasn't really something he needs to worry about.

"So.." Kyuhyun spoke at the phone again. "What do you want me to find out aside from the fact that this guy is extrememly sappy." He said with a dry laugh.

Chanyeol chuckled at his statement "Can you find out something about the reason why they are both fighting right now?"

"Well, he is apologizing on his recent messages but there's no reason here.

Chanyeol groaned "How about on Taehyung's phone hyung?" he asked. "There must be something there"

Kyuhyun sighed. "Okay. But what's with the worry elf? It's not like Taehyung is a murderer who ran out of jail." He said.

"I just can't find any reason why they would fight to the extent of not talking to each other for almost a week" Chanyeol answered.

"Well, I'm sorry Chanyeol but there's nothing on Kim Taehyung's phone too except for hundreds of his and Yerin's picture together. I think this guy is in love with your sister." He said.

"Maybe that's the reason why they're fighting. What do you think hyung? He might have confessed to her but she couldn't reciprocate his feelings." Chanyeol thought.

"Are you kidding me?" Kyuhyun chuckled. "Have you seen how Yerin looks at him? I've never been in a relationship except for my computers but I'm not ignorant, especially when they look like this." He said

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