Chapter 9

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Chanyeol sneaked out of his hotel room and took tiny and quiet steps 2 rooms towards his right. He knocked gently not worried if the occupant would hear or not because he was positive that he was still awake. The door gently opened revealing his father on his phone wide awake and frantic still wearing his jeans despite the time being half an hour after midnight.

“Chanyeol..” Park Eun Ok exclaimed surprised. “Why are you still awake? Do you need anything son?” he asked.

“I should ask you the same thing.” Chanyeol flatly answered as he pushed the door wider and entered.

As soon as the Park family had made their rendezvous at the 4th floor’s lobby a few hours ago, they agreed on going on the spa for relaxation. Chanyeol noticed the panic on his father’s face that he was trying hard to mask with his laughter. He was usually composed and well planned but that one and a half hour, Chanyeol instantly knew something was wrong. He tried to follow him when he excused himself to the restroom and there he heard him utter words Chanyeol wasn’t pleased to hear.

One thing was for sure, his father didn’t want Yerin to know about whatever that was, and neither did Chanyeol.

He couldn’t force himself to sleep. He was too bothered with his father that after he made sure Yerin was asleep he strolled to his room to confront him.

“What’s wrong father?” Chanyeol asked taking a sit at the couch. “You’re hiding something. I heard you earlier.”

“This is nothing son. Nothing to worry about.” His father assured.

Chanyeol wasn’t contented. He glared at his father telling him to trust him with whatever was happening.

“You don’t need to Chanyeol. I’ve got everything under control. You don’t need to force yourself into---“

“I’m way past that accident now father.” Chanyeol interrupted growling. Frustration overruled his being as the memory of the past had once again resurfaced in his mind. “I’ve been useless, uncoordinated, a mess, mad and dangerous even to my only sister for 2 years. I brought Yerin into danger dad. I almost got her killed! I was too depressed that I freaking jailed myself in my room. I was a headache to you, I’ve been a bad brother to Yerin. I wasn’t there for her when she needed me all because of…” he stopped at the thought. He didn’t want to recall, he didn’t want to remember.

She doesn’t need to be remembered

“I’m done with that part of my life. I’ve wasted too much time. I want to do something. I want to be a part of your trouble. I want to take an act in this. I need to know whatever is happening around me and my sister. I have to know and if this is anything concerned to Yerin I swear father you have to tell me now…. Because I would do anything,… I’d fight a war alone if that’s what it takes to keep my sister safe. I am not going to let anything happen to her again. Not again..”

Somehow, Chanyeol’s teary-eyed sentiment and serenity in his thoughts has holed the older man’s heart. His expression softened and besides the trouble that’s happening, he somehow managed to flash a heartfelt smile.

“Ok. I understand” He started. “Listen carefully son.” He said.


2 weeks later…

“Yerin… Let’s go eat pizza after school. My treat.” Taehyung chanted over and over. The two were making their way to their room after they had lunch at the rooftop together. Both have gotten really close for the time being.

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