Chapter 21

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just want to share a convo I had with a friend who just graduated IT and is now employed at a computer assempbling and programming place somewhere around the world. (this is 100% legit conversation via phone)

me (message on facebook and sends file): can you proofread this chapter and tell me if i just sounded stupid using all those geek words I heard from you everytime you rant on the phone because your downloader stopped downloading the latest episodes of Fairy Tail?

(after 15 minutes replied that he's done and so I called him)

him: It's fine.

me: you sure? does the stuff i wrote here happen in real life?

him: (annoyed) it's a freaking fiction story! you can do whatever you want with it. you can even teleport yourself inside the computer for crying out loud!

me: okay what's your problem?

him: (sighs) my mom took my computer.

me: my deepest condolence brother :(

point of sharing this convo is because I seriously just don't have any idea how I'm going to lead Sehun to where his enemies are, so yeah this is the only way I thought of. Forgive me if ever the stuff you'll be reading are wrong or unreal or stuff. I asked professional advice though (just not been of any help).. sorry for this a/n..

so yeah. here it goes..


The families stayed down for a few minutes until police started to swarm the place covering every perimeter to see where the shot came from.

The dinner was cancelled and every family was escorted home by the police officials.

Sehun was pacing back and forth in his room still holding his phone in his hand.

He can't do what she wants to do again. He is tired of being bossed around. He is tired of her controlling his life and his heart

He needs to stop her now before she can do anything worse than just a warning shot. He needs to stop her in his own way and not the way she wants him to.

But how?

"You tell anything to the police and I won't hesitate to do something to her. I have my connections. I have geniuses. One move and it's over."

Her words were scary. It's the thing that Sehun can't find a way around. He was aware of what she can do and there was too much risk. He was biting his finger lost in thoughts.

He held his phone and dialed a number. "Kyuhyun hyung, can you come over? Bring your junks" he said as soon as it was answered.

Half an hour later, Kyuhyun has entered Sehun's room holding several bags.

"What do you want? And don't you ever call my babies junk ever again." He growled at Sehun.

"Hyung. Is there any possible way of hacking into a phone or a computer without anyone noticing it?" Sehun asked.

"Of course it's possible." Kyuhyun answered setting up his computers on the floor. "It's the most possible thing on earth. Every gadget has vulnerability. If they don't have that excellent firewall to protect ehem then there is no problem breaking it and getting inside. Not everyone can build firewalls Sehun."

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