Special Chapter - Something New

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A Luhan-Sam story..

Will Luhan's first encounter with the second girl who caught his attention be worth his risk, or will his easy, at ease life start to be tainted with chaos, drama and love. Will he, this time, with this girl learn how to truly fight for what he feels?...

First Part..


Luhan wasn’t used to this silence inside his car. He was used to having people shouting at the back, or singing loudly to the point of making his eardrums explode. 

He always had the basketball team with him and he can only compare their deafening noise especially when they just won a game. It wasn't something he can change at all especially that their team's spirits always seem on high.

Although Luhan was always beside earsplitting people, one thing people didn’t know about him is that he loved peaceful environments. Places where only good music can be heard without screaming and shouting. He likes to have his quiet moments from time to time especially when he had a lot going on in his head. The only place he can have that peace he wanted was in his house, inside his soundproof room.

But this was new to him, how light and peaceful this moment was. How he felt the warmth not only of the heater of his car but of the presence of the very first girl he ever rode his car with. The silence wasn’t awkward for him at least and as he steals quick glances beside him, he can see how serene and calm she was.

This was one thing he wanted too. To be beside someone who wouldn’t go ballistic being meters away from him, a girl whom he could just talk to for a minute without fainting on him. It was nearly impossible to be with someone like that inside their school since he was someone they see as a hero and they adore him. It’s not like he didn’t want the attention, he liked it but sometimes he just wished he could talk to them the way normal people do.

That’s the reason why he always wanted to be close to Yerin. She didn’t care about him being all hotshot in campus. He can go to her, talk to her, spend time with her without seeing her grinning creepily like how the other girls do when he says even a simple “hi”.

He found it really interesting earlier at the gymnasium how Sam didn’t even bother look at him or greet him. How she rejected his offer of riding with him if Yerin didn’t convince her. It was something he found fascinating. She is someone worth spending time with. But he has to get to her good side first.

The drive to Goyang is an hour away. It was just at the outskirts of Seoul. Luhan doesn’t really live at Goyang. He lives at Gangnam which was a little far away from where they were heading. It just came out from him maybe because of maybe wanting to really be with her and get to know her better.

He reached for the stereo of his car and increased the volume. He pressed for the next folder on it because the current folder playing was full of screaming songs which his teammates put there.

The song “In my Dream” by Super Junior suddenly started playing. These kinds of slow songs were Luhan’s favorite when he drives alone. He likes to sing along with them.

“You really don’t like talking a lot do you?” Luhan asked in hopes of starting a conversation.

“Not really” she answered shyly. She hugged Luhan’s varsity jacket closer to her body.

“Still cold?” he asked as he saw her guesture. She just nodded vaguely

Luhan adjusted the car’s heater so the temperature would get warmer.

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