Chapter 15

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"Where's my sister? Kim Hanbin" Chanyeol glowered at the guy who was still glaring at him and Sehun. But despite the tone Chanyeol had used, he can't hide the fact that he felt relief seeing Hanbin. He knew that as long as there is Hanbin, Yerin is okay and will be okay.

"That's not the proper way to talk to someone who just saved your sister hyung. You still hate me for that one thing." Hanbin remarked.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Hanbin. And yes I still hate you. Now where is she?"

Hanbin sighed "She's inside the yacht, sleeping"

Chanyeol immediately sprinted towards the yacht while Sehun was left standing in his place like a statue. They both were killing each other with their stares. They've been like mortal enemies for years. Sehun holds much more grudge to Hanbin that Chanyeol does.

"What are you even doing here Sehun? You're not even supposed to be here."

"I'm not here for you Hanbin. I'm here for Yerin. You do one thing and you get so full of yourself."

"Everytime I am with her, I make sure she's fine. I make sure she's safe. I left and this is what happens. You told me you'll keep watch of her Sehun. I entrusted her to you. You said you'll keep her out of trouble" Hanbin scowled.

"She's not yours Hanbin. You don't know what happened so shut the hell up." Sehun answered.

"She hasn't broken off the engagement yet Sehun. She's still mine! Do you have any idea how pissed off I was when I was just about to pay her a visit at school and I hear that she just got kidnapped? And you know the first thing I said?"

Sehun didn't answer.

"To hell with you Oh Sehun!" Hanbin half-shouted. "She trusted me more than you. Do you know that? That ring I gave her last year, I told her it had a tracking device just in case something bad happens to her. She always wore that ring, that's how I found her while you what? While you sit by your car and wait for Kyuhyun hyung to find her for you."

Sehun grew angered by how Hanbin threw him off words that made him feel like a piece of sh*t. He clenched his fist ready and would have punched the guy if not for the distance separating them.

"Enough B.I." Yerin's voice stopped Sehun and he felt his nerves calm down hearing her, seeing her and knowing that she's okay. Yerin came out of the yacht with Chanyeol supporting her. "Stop blaming Sehun for this. He has no responsibility of me." She said.

The calm feeling didn't last long. Sehun didn't understand but he got hurt more of what Yerin said than what Hanbin has just told him. It pained him to hear from Yerin herself that he wasn't really needed in her life. He wanted to walk away but can't seem to move a single muscle. He felt useless.

"Thank Yerin for this time Sehun. Next time I'll let you have what you really deserve." Hanbin threw once again before turning around to go to Yerin.

Sehun turned around handing Taehyung his keys "Take Yerin home. Use my car, I'll just drive with the others."

Taehyung just nodded at him feeling flabbergasted.


Yerin had fallen asleep inside the car on the way home. Taehyung was driving but was obviously not okay. He couldn't digest everything he heard especially the part where he learned that Yerin was engaged.

"Hyung." He called for Chanyeol.


"Who's that guy? Is he really Yerin's fiancé?" he asked.

Chanyeol heaved a deep sigh before increasing the heater of the car. "That's Kim Hanbin, only heir of the KLS entertainment. And yes, technically, he is Yerin's fiancé for more than a year now."

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