Special Chapter- Mine

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Special Chapter- Mine

Now that Luhan has been opened up to the complicated world of Sam, will his feelings be strong enough to battle through it? What will he do now that he has learned of Sam's feelings for him? Will he fight for her? Or will he share his hand to the person who is desperate to have her back in his life.

A Luhan – Sam story

Third Part


Sam stared at the field from the window of their classroom. She keeps repeating that night in her head, that night when she has finally confessed to Luhan how she really felt. She felt embarrassed for being so vulnerable in front of him right now but she can't help it. After that talk she had with Jin, being vulnerable and weak was all she can be.



"Sam, I'm really sorry. I know there's no way you will forgive me but I just want you to know that I don't like hurting you." Jin sincerely said a hint of distress in his tone.

"It's already done Jin" Sam slumped back at her chair.

"You don't understand." Jin almost whispered in frustration.

"What don't I understand?" Sam almost shouted at him. "You fell out of love for me. I wasn't good enough for you. You wanted someone better than me. You flirted with tons of girls in front of me Jin. How was that not wanting to hurt me? Are you stupid?"

Jin wasn't able to answer because it was true. He intentionally did stupid stuff in front of her trying hard not to look at her while she was watching him. He was scared of seeing the pain in her eyes. He needed to do that.

Tears have now escaped Sam's eyes. "I loved you Jin. You said you were the same for me. I believed you" She struggled.

This was the very picture Jin hated to see. He hated seeing the only girl he loves cry in front of him, because of him.

"Sam.." he croaked his eyes turning watery every second that passes by. "I love you Sam." He said.

Sam wiped her tears and let out a chuckle "I'm not falling for that again." She said.

"Believe me Sam." Jin insisted leaning towards her. "You're the only girl I love."

"What do you want from me Jin? You got tired of me. I went away to let you be happy. That was what you wanted. Why are you coming back? Why are you shaking my life again?"

"That was never what I wanted. I never wanted to be away from you. Samantha, let's start over." Jin pleaded.

Sam shook her head "It's not that easy." She said "You made me become scared. My life was a mess. I'm not going to do the same thing that will lead to that again."

Jin collapsed back to his seat "That's not the real reason is it?" he whispered looking outside the window to where Luhan and Donghae were. "Luhan hyung. He's the real reason isn't he." He said.

Sam did the same looking at the two chatting at the bench. She met Luhan's protective gaze on her and she felt her heart flutter.

"Luhan... he doesn't deserve a broken girl like me." She whispered looking back. "He deserves someone better."

"But you like him." Jin hurtfully said.

Sam half-smiled "I like him Jin. But we can never be."

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