Chapter 33

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Time flew really quickly and before they knew it, the talent show night has already arrived. Taehyung was pacing back and forth at the waiting room. Sehun who was standing beside him was watching him in amusement killing himself with nervousness.

"I just love watching you suffer." He chuckled at Taehyung.

Taehyung snarled at him. "Thanks. Just remember, if I mess up, the entire performance will be messed up and you'll also be messed up."

"That's fine." Sehun mused. "I can find a way to redeem myself if that happens.. And I'm pretty sure Yerin could also make her own way out."

"Selfish donkey." The other frowned.

"Come on you two. This is the last time we'll do this dance together. You should at least make peace with each other even just for tonight." Yerin told the two.

"Fine." Sehun surrendered as he offered his hand to Taehyung.

Taehyung forcefully shook his hand scoffing in between.

Yerin smiled as she placed her hand over theirs. "Let's break a leg okay?" she told them and they both nodded and smiled at her.

"Literally break your leg Sehun." Taehyung joked.

"I'll break yours first." Sehun answered

"Sehun, Taehyung and Yerin, standby." One of the crew said.

The lights dimmed and they were lead to the stage. The three found their places. Yerin gave a final nod and smile to Sehun and Taehyung before the lights went on. A loud roar of applause echoed in the building and then the music started playing.

Yerin allowed herself to get lost to the music again. This is the first time she will show to people the freedom she feels, the feeling of no one pulling her back when she wanted to let go.

Sehun suddenly felt nervous again as he made eye contact with Yerin. He averted his gaze to her lips that were so close to his. Suddenly he had this crazy thought of kissing her right there on that moment. They both smiled at each other.

He gulped a bit while mentally shaking his head ordering it to focus. He looked at her eyes again and saw how permitted they were. They started breathing together in rhythm.

She's beautiful. He thought

He tugged his hand again and Yerin twirled once again until she was now in front of him with her back resting on his chest.

He inched his head closer to her neck as she turned her head sideways making him an easier access. Sehun took a breath and inhaled her sweet smell. Yerin felt Sehun's breath on her neck and it sent sparks down her spine.

"I love you." Sehun whispered.

Yerin smiled despite the rapid heartbeating it caused.

They were so caught into the music that they weren't able to track how time passed. Before they knew it, they were about to end the performance.

Yerin stood at the center with Taehyung and Sehun holding each of her hand. This is the time that she has to let go of Sehun and go to Taehyung while Sehun would do his solo in front of the audience.

She was about to pull her hand away from Sehun when he suddenly tightened his grip. Instead Taehyung removed her grip from her hand. They switched places.

Sehun pulled Yerin to the side as Taehyung made his way to the center. Yerin grew horrified and scared of what Taehyung was doing. He was scared of being alone.

"Don't worry." Sehun whispered her. "I taught him well."

Yerin just smiled and watched Taehyung mesmerize the audience with his interpretation. And when the song has ended, the crowd were on their feet clapping and cheering for them.

They all went to the center and bowed together. Yerin hugged them both "I'm so proud of you two." She gleefully told them which they both answered with a kiss on both her cheeks.

The talent show went out well. The performances were loved, the performers were admired, the talents were shown.

Kai and Lay were offered training at the SM Entertainment Company, Chanyeol and his band were asked to be an opening act for an international band's concert at Seoul. They were all so happy of what the night has brought.

Yerin, Chanyeol and their father were outside the auditorium.

"Yerin, Hyung, UIncle!" Taehyung suddenly shouted that made them look at him. "Look." He said as he gave an envelope with a logo locking it.

"Congratulations son!" Park Eun Ok exclaimed. "It's Julliard!"

Yerin grinned at him.

Suddenly Sehun showed beside them holding another envelope that looked the same. "Bummer." He said with a frown. "Looks like I'll have to endure you for a longer time."

"You too?" Taehyung asked him and he just nodded and smiled.

Yerin poked Taehyung. "Me too." She said as she showed hers. "It's going to be really fun! The three of us will be together for more years" she exclaimed.

Taehyung grinned in excitement. "I can't wait anymore!" he said and they all laughed.

"Me too." Sehun laughed.

I can't wait to live my life with you all. He thought.

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