Chapter 18

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--I suggest that you listen to Yesung's 'It has to be You' while reading this chapter. :)--


"Anytime now." Yerin said.

"Huh? What?" Taehyung answered blinking his eyes several times as if just woken up from a dream.

"Anytime now and the silence will start melting me and since we are at the rooftop I might just drain and rain to all the people at the field." She cooed shooting him a playful stare.

"Oh." Taehyung said and sat up straight from his slouching. "I'm sorry. I'm just having a lot of thoughts. Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"Why so humble and polite in talking all of a sudden?" Yerin this time looked at him with sadness in her eyes. Taehyung hasn't been himself for a while. It bothered her because she was used to the talkative, playful and teasing part of him not this silent, careful and unreal part of him.

It started the other day when they had their dance practice. Since that afternoon, Taehyung has been acting aloof and unbelievably silent.

If Yerin didn't drag him out of the room when the bell rang for lunch, she should've been eating her sandwich alone at the rooftop this very moment.

"It's nothing. Just inform me if I'm making you uncomfortable and I'll distance myself." He said, clasping both his hands at his legs.

This made Yerin frown. She stood from her seat and pulled Taehyung up. It surprised him but he followed her anyway. When both were already on their feet, Taehyung didn't expect the next thing Yerin did.

Yerin pushed Taehyung until he was leaning on the wall with force that it shook his body. Yerin was now sending him stark glares that of a cop to the most wanted criminal in the world. His throat went dry and he was lost in words.

But his heart started going haywire for the tiny distance they both had.

"Who are you and what did you do with my Kim Tae?" Yerin suddenly spoke so seriously that even if her statement is somehow funny, Taehyung can't find it in him to laugh, or even smile instead he just stared at her with lonesome eyes.

"Your?..." he choked.

Yerin sighed loosening a bit from her hold in his arms. "Can you just tell me what's going on with you? Are you sick? I don't like it if you're like this. This is what's making me uncomfortable. I miss laughing with Taehyung." She sullenly said.

"I'm sorry Yerin I was just... being careful." He answered. He turned his head away avoiding contact with Yerin's.

"Being careful for what?" she asked.

"Being careful not to fall too hard for you." He bluntly said.

Yerin was left in shock. She released him from her hold and backed up a few times. "You're?" she managed from her blanked mind.

Taehyung chuckled a bit hiding the embarrassment from his face. "Don't tell me that you didn't see that coming?" he said

Yerin didn't respond.

Taehyung breathed in disbelief..

"Oh come on Yerin! Almost every guy in this school has at least a small amount of feelings for you just by looking at you. I'm not made of stone. I'm a guy. And we spend so much time together abnormally close and sweet to top that, above all those guys, I am the one who has the right to fall in love with you." Taehyung groaned sounding pissed.

"I didn't think that treating you as my closest friend would end to this Taehyung."

"That's the problem. You treated me so close to you that it has no other way to end up but this. They are all jealous of me for being this close to you, but I'm so jealous of them that they are far from you because they can protect themselves, from what I've become now— a hopelessly in love friend waiting for my heart to get torn."

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