Chapter 16

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"You sure you want to go to school now? You can just skip it today, or for the next weeks or you can just drop out and be home-schooled." Chanyeol uttered on his seat. They were on their way to their school. It's been two days since Yerin went to school and he's been insisting on not letting her go yet.

They reached school and went out of the car. "I thought we were done with this conversation oppa? I'll be fine. I promise I'm not going to roam around alone anymore."


"Oppa." Yerin warned

"Fine. Anyways Sehun can keep you watch when you do your practice."

"Oppa." Yerin warned again. "Did you not know that I just told B.I to stop blaming Sehun for anything that happens to me because he has no responsibility of me. And now you start giving him responsibility. That's not fair for Sehun. He has a life and a girlfriend to take care of." she said.

Chanyeol pulled her into a halt and looked at her criticizingly. "Did you even try to ask Sehun if he wants to be responsible for you or not? Or just be honest with me, don't you see Sehun already feeling he is responsible for you? Because I know I do." Chanyeol answered him.

"Still." Yerin argued as she started to walk again. Chanyeol followed her.

"I'll do it." Taehyung suddenly appeared beside her flying his arms around her shoulders. "I can be her personal bodyguard for the rest of the school year, or even better, for the rest of her life."

"Hands off Kim Taehyung." Chanyeol warned.

"Oops." Taehyung immediately withdrew his arms. "Sorry hyung."

"Why would you waste your entire life babysitting me? I'm not even a child anymore. I can take care of myself."  Yerin argued

"Says the girl who just got kidnapped!" Taehyung mocked.

"Shut up or I'll strangle you to death!"               

"Says the girl who can't hurt a fly!"

Yerin glared at Taehyung "I'm not talking to you."

"That's not possible. I'm too irresistible Park Yerin." Taehyung smirked making Yerin scoff.

"You two are giving me headache!" Chanyeol said walking ahead of them. "Don't spend too much time wringing each other's neck at the hallway, you're both going to be late for classes." He half shouted before he completely left the two.

The two kept staring at each other when Taehyung suddenly broke into a grin. He inched closer to Yerin and trapped her into his arms. The other was left dumbfounded for the guy's action.

"Yaaah." She struggled. "What're you doing.."

Taehyung released her "It's called a hug. Try googling it sometimes." He teased.

"I know what it is. I meant why are you hugging me?"

Taehyung grinned. "I'm just glad you're in front of me right now. Did you know how worried I was? And how much I blamed myself that I wasn't able to stop that from happening." He said

Somehow Yerin was touched. "Thank you Taehyung for being there." She said beaming him her most genuine smile.

Taehyung returned her smile. "You're welcome. Now, let's go. Hyung's going to skin me if I keep you out here." He said starting to walk leaving her standing in her place..

Yerin run towards him and hooked her arms in his. "Yaaah." She said smacking him a little. "You're walking alone .. Never leave me again. Ok?"

Taehyung was speechless for a few seconds before he removed her arm and entwined his hand in hers. "Let's have our hands glued like this." He said raising their perfectly synced hands.

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