Special Chapter

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Special Chapter - Seeing Her


Chanyeol could just be hallucinating or maybe something has been wrong with his eyes lately because everytime he sees Choi Hae Won, he keeps seeing her, he keeps seeing Elena. The worst part was that what he kept seeing weren’t the reasons that he despised her but the reasons that he has fallen in love with her.

He was being honest with Yerin that night of his first date with Hale that he was being too preoccupied with her that he honestly lost his her purpose of going there the first place. He was enjoying her company and he didn’t expect it to turn that way.

Everything about that night was nostalgic for him and he didn’t expect to feel that way. Maybe Zi Tao’s idea was a good thing after all and that going out with Hale had brought something back in his life.

Something beautiful..

Hale was doing everything exactly the way Elena does it.

She doesn’t want the waiter to put the napkin on her lap.

She twirls only a small amount of pasta on her fork and takes so much time to chew and swallow it.

She only drinks warm water and doesn’t like the smell of red wine.

She has this wide, jolly smile in her face everytime Chanyeol talks about something.

She doesn't cover her mouth when she laughs.

They walked at the park right after their dinner and Chanyeol didn’t fail to notice how she walks with her hands entwined behind her as she takes large amount of fresh air and breathing them out slowly before smiling. She was walking as if she was dancing and the gush of the wind was her music. Everything around them was like a part of her and that she syncs in with them.

The way she appreciates every tiny thing that she passes through makes Chanyeol look at these things in a better way, in a more beautiful way.

Chanyeol listened at her gentle and sweet humming. It was giving him chills all through his body. It was like every other noise around them were gone and all that’s left to hear was her voice telling him to stop and enjoy his life once again.

She was beautiful.

Every small detail from that small time that that Chanyeol had spent face to face with her makes him remember Elena and most especially of the deep feelings that he had for her. He sees everything he saw in Elena in her and it was scary because he wasn’t ready to fall in love again just yet.



“Did I do well awhile ago oppa?” she asked.

Chanyeol furrowed his brows in question.

She answered with a smile “I know you only asked me to dinner so that you can look after Yerin while she’s on a date with a person you’re not really sure of.”

Chanyeol got hurt of how she said that. He got hurt for hurting her like that. She didn’t deserve it a bit

 “I’m sorry” he apologized.

“It’s okay oppa. I still got to spend time with you even if it wasn’t for real.” She smiled at him, and that smile had gotten Chanyeol so guilty.

“I still hope you had a lovely evening.” he said.

“The best I’ve had.” She answered. She looked at him in appreciation despite the fact that she knew that she was just used and Chanyeol just dragged her into this insensitively.

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