Chapter 28

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It has been two days since Chanyeol took Yerin to New York. Sehun had travelled with them who just told them random reasons.

Chanyeol hasn't talked with Yerin since then. They still weren't in good terms. He didn't know how to approach her but he badly wanted to. Most of all, he was trying to refrain himself in order for Yerin to recognize her mistake.

 Yerin on the other hand has been locked up inside her room only coming out to take her meals and when she feels like going down to the studio to dance and relieve her mind of stress.

Only Sehun was able to talk to her. He has been the one comforting her every time she breaks down. She had opened herself to him in every way she can for her to ease her feelings. There was no other person that would listen to her open-heartedly except for Sehun.

What was keeping her so sad and down wasn't because she was forcefully taken away from Kim Taehyung, it was because of the tension between Chanyeol and her. She wants to apologize to him but she had no idea how to. She was scared that he wouldn't listen. She was scared that she had hurt him too bad.

She was regretting her decisions that made everyone lose their trust on her, but during those times, she thought love was worth it.

She was lying on her bed that afternoon listening to music when she saw Sehun enter her room. She removed one of her earplugs and sat up straight.

Sehun sat at the side of her bed and smiled at her. "Let's go eat outside." He said.

"I'm not really hungry." She answered.

"Until when are you planning to stay this way Yerin?" he asked with a sigh. "Nothing will happen unless you realize you did wrong. Go apologize to your brother. He's just waiting for you to. You can't just wait for nothing, you made a mistake, you should make the move to correct it. Don't wait for him."

"What if he wouldn't listen to me?"

Sehun reached out for her and gave her a reassuring smile "Don't you know Park Chanyeol? The guy who couldn't find a girlfriend because he's already satisfied with the only girl in his life? The dude who checks every guy who comes up to you? The large elf who have conquered all his struggles just to be there for you? He is your brother Yerin. He is hurting as much as you are right now. He will listen to you no matter what you did. That's how much he loves you."

Yerin smiled and threw herself to Sehun. Sehun hugged her tightly to make her feel that he was there for her. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Help me." Yerin whispered in his hear.

Sehun nodded and grinned. "I have a plan."


Chanyeol was on his way back to the house from meeting up with his old friends from New York. He was rushing to get home, panicking on the way because Sehun had called him saying that Yerin was in trouble.

He reached the house and immediately rushed to Yerin's room only to find it empty, the same as Sehun's room.

He kept calling for them when he suddenly smelled something being baked from the kitchen. He quickly ran towards the kitchen where he found Sehun wearing an apron and mittens taking out something from the oven.

"Oh Sehun!" he called.

Sehun looked. "Oh. You're here."

"What's going on? I thought Yerin was in trouble."

"Yes she is." He said as he completely pulled the tray of cupcakes from the oven and placed it at the table in front of Chanyeol.

In the cupcakes were letters encrypted forming the phrase "Oppa I'm sorry" and a sad face at the last cupcake.

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