Chapter 6

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“You’re really not going?” Yerin asked Chanyeol for the third time. She had just finished fixing herself for the basketball game.

“Really Yerin. I’m not” Chanyeol answered back blankly. “I have something to do later. Dad said he’ll drive you, he just went outside” he said. He was busy fixing the strings of his guitar while sitting in front of the wine bar.

“Oppa!” Yerin called sadly. Chanyeol looked at her as soon as he notice the gloom on her voice. “You need to go out sometimes. Don’t isolate yourself too much” she said worried.

“Oh don’t worry. I’ll go out” he smirked “Good luck on your game”

Yerin was confused with her brother’s words but she just let it go. She checked her time and jogged her way out. The game will begin in half an hour.


“Hey Yerin.” Hale called as soon as she stepped out of their car. The parking lot of the gymnasium didn’t have that much cars as to how Yerin remembered it when they were in the championships last year. She even recognizes most of the cars from their school. She wasn’t still captain then.

“Hi Hale” she greeted back. The two started walking towards the gym.

“Wow. This is the first time I have seen you in that uniform and for that moment I doubted you were even captain. You look amazing” Hale blurted out as she eyed Yerin from head to toe. Yerin was wearing their white and blue cheerleading uniform she has always been proud of.

“Thank you. It’s a shame that the game might probably not even be worth cheering for. Look around. The other team didn’t even bother sending support.” She sighed.

“I was wondering about that too. It’s really awfully quiet for a basketball game.”

Yerin nodded in agreement.

Their basketball team used to be a laughing stack 3 years ago when she entered the school. Sure they would enter two to three rounds in the preliminaries but after that there’s nothing, the rest of the school year would be history. The following year, there were three new members of the team that lead them to the semi finals: Choi Jung Sook, Lee Min Yoon, and their new ace Lu Han.

The school’s basketball spirit started to come to life. Luhan has been leading the school to straight victories last year where eventually they ended up at the Championship game against the defending champions. Unfortunately they weren’t able to win that match but they did give a hard time to their opponents.

The seniors have graduated. Luhan now leads the basketball team. They said they have new amazing members from the first years.

Their opponent today was the same team they had to face first last year and it has been an easy win for them.

This might be the reason why the other team didn’t bother showing enthusiasm.

The two had made their way inside the gymnasium. It was only half full and most of the people there did come from their school as what they have expected.

“Wow. They’re already giving up” Hale pointed at the bench of the other team. All were comfortably seated at their bench talking while Luhan and his team were already on the court warming up.

“Guess this game will be done in a blur” Yerin answered as she was scanning the room and spotted the other cheerleaders who were now stretching. “Hale I have to go to the team. Will you be fine?” she asked Hale.

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