Chapter 29

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Sehun immediately run out of his room towards Yerin's. He couldn't believe they failed in taking Im Soo Jin. That was his chance to be free from her.

He didn't even bother knocking at her door and barged right in to it.

"Yerin?" he shouted but no one was answering.

He looked around the room but she wasn't there. He quickly run down towards the kitchen where he found Chanyeol drinking water.

"Where's Yerin?" he asked him.

"She just went out." Chanyeol answered. "She said her friend was asking her to go to the dance studio.  Around two minutes ago. She's still probably on her way to the bus stop. Why?"

"I'll explain later." Sehun said and immediately run outside the house towards the bus stop a few blocks away from the house.

His phone started ringing while he was on the way. He didn't bother look at who was calling and just answered it immediately.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Oh Sehun.. Yerin is in trouble, right now."

"Kim Taehyung?" Sehun recognized his voice. "What do you mean Yerin is in trouble?"

"I think they're keeping track of her."

"We took her cellphone." Sehun said as he tried looking around for Yerin.

"I am not sure how but I heard it. There might be something she is using that has a tracking device."

"Wait, what?" Sehun cleared. "You heard? You heard from who?" he asked.

"I heard it from Choi Hae Won Sehun. She's working for them." Taehyung answered him.

"What?" Sehun gasped. "What exactly did you hear?"

"Hae Won was talking to the phone. She said she sent something to one of Yerin's friend in New York that would have her rushing to her. She said they'll be taking her from there."

"Damn it.:"

"Are you not with her?"

"I'm looking for her!" he said as he hung up.


Yerin has been waiting for the bus for almost 2 minutes already and she was getting impatient because her friend said it was an emergency. She couldn't keep still and was nervous of what might have happened to her.

She decided to take the taxi instead of the bus when she thought no bus would be travelling soon. She didn't need to wait for any taxi because there was one parked exactly near where she was standing.

She waved her hand and the taxi immediately drove in front of her.

She opened the door and smiled at the driver "Hi Mr. To the dance studio please." She said.

She entered the taxi and was about to close the door when it was pulled back. She got startled as Sehun entered the taxi and scooted beside her just as the car started moving.

"Yah. Yerin, why are you leaving me like that." He said.

Yerin stared at him confused.

She felt a nudge on her knees and she looked down to see Sehun's phone with words she silently read

-Act natural. Don't panic. Go with the flow.-

She gulped secretly.

"Sorry. I thought you weren't coming." She answered him trying her best to go with him.

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