Chapter 34

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Yerin was awakened by the ringing of her phone. She grudgingly took the phone from the table and placed it on her ears.

"Hello?" she groggily answered.

"Yaaah Park Yerin! Are you aware what time it is?" It was Lian who's voice had immediately awakened Yerin.

"Ahhh. 5:30 am?" she unknowingly answered.

"It's an hour before noon Yerin!" she almost shouted. "We won't be able to find a beautiful gown in just half a day!"

"Come on Lian, there'll just be 5 girls in this town who'll be looking for a gown today. There'll be tons of gowns out there." She answered

"OMG. Are you hearing yourself? You're going to get out of your bed right now or I'll barge in there if I don't see you at the mall in 30 minutes." She ordered.

Yerin stood up sleepily. "Ok, I'm up. I'll get going." She said.

It was the day before the student auctions and Lian has been bugging her about hunting the perfect gown. She did promise her they'll find their gowns together but she slept in and wasn't able to wake up on time. She didn't like fussing about it, she thinks all gowns are the same. And she didn't find it necessary to put a lot of effort on something she's not really interested in, such as the auction

In 30 minutes, she met Lian in front of a coffee shop.

"I was just about to call my driver to rush into your house." Lian said standing up. She hooked her arms in Yerin's and pulled her towards the most famous gown shop in the entire city.

"Lian, these gowns are a hundred thousand dollars. You'll only use it for a day." Yerin argued.


Yerin wasn't able to answer anymore because Lian handed her a blue gown and shoved her into the fitting room where a helper entered after her.

When Yerin went out she was surprised seeing Lian wearing a black flawless gown who looked so stunning.

"Oh my god Lian. You're beautiful." She exclaimed.

"Thank you." She smiled in answer. "I like this. I'm getting it. But I don't like that gown on you. Try this on." She said handing her a box with a scarlet ribbon.

"How do you know what this looks like?" Yerin asked.

'I've seen the picture. Just try it on." She ordered. Yerin just shrugged and entered the fitting room again.

She placed the gown on and the assistant helped her. She didn't bother looking at the mirror anymore.

She went out of the dressing room and she saw Lian sitting in front of her reading a magazine.

"Lian." She called.

Lian looked at her carefully before a smile slowly tugged on her lips. "It's perfect." She said.

Yerin turned to the mirror behind her and gasped. It did look perfect on her. It was a scarlet long gown that had fit her like it was made just for her. It was perfect and elegant, it was beautiful and she loved it.

"I like this one." She told Lian and she nodded.

"Let them wrap it and let's go eat." She said as she took her credit card out. "I'm paying." She suddenly said. Before Yerin can even argue, Lian already walked away.


Yerin was sitting right there in front of tons of elite people who were bidding to be Lian's date for the night. She was frozen cold and was so scared of what might happen. A few hours ago she felt excited because of the gown she was wearing but when they have been called on stage she felt all her blood drain.

The bidding for Lian has reached a hundred thousand dollars already. The highest bid of the night so far. She wasn't paying attention anymore not until her name has been called.

"Our next student, Park Yerin is a senior, daughter of Mr. Park Eun Ok of the Park Enterprise."

Yerin saw a red sign being held up.

"A hundred thousand dollars." Said the host.

Suddenly several red signs were held up and shouting of numbers were all Yerin was able to hear. She didn't understand anything and she couldn't see anyone in front of her.

"Half a million dollars. Sir number 17, you are Ms. Park Yerin's date for tonight."

The girls were lead towards the backstage. Lian hooked her arms in Yerin's and grinned at her. "Half a million dollars. That's the highest bid of the night. The gown had served you well." She giggled.

They walked passed the boys who were to be auctioned next. Sehun stopped by Yerin's side. "You look beautiful." He told her before he continued going to the stage. Yerin didn't fail to notice how Sehun's tie color had matched perfectly with her gown.

At the back, they were sitting quietly waiting for the boys to be auctioned before they would be lead towards their dates for the rest of the night.

Since Yerin wasn't able to relax herself afraid of who she might meet, she decided to place her earphones on and listen to music while they wait.

It was probably more than 7 songs when the boys finally went down the stage. Yerin removed her earphones.

"Everyone, time to meet your dates." One guy said. They all followed her.

"I wonder who bought Sehun." Lian told Yerin.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because someone just paid a million dollars to be his date for the night."

Yerin didn't understand but she suddenly felt something pinch her heart. Was she jealous?

"Hey. Don't worry too much. It's just a night." Lian assured. "Nothing would possibly happen in a single night right?"

"Yeah, you're right." She smiled.

Lian was lead to her date. He was a childhood friend of theirs. The heir of the Choi hotels, Choi Minho.

Yerin's anxiousness was over the top as they slowly approach the table number 17. A few steps away, she already saw a familiar guy who stood and smiled widely at her.

"Taehyung?" she gasped.

"Hi." He grinned when she reached him.

"You're my date?"

"The one and only."

Yerin let out a breath of relief. "Thank God it's someone I know. I would've died of awkwardness the entire night."

Taehyung laughed. "You look beautiful though. I just had to dance with you before I go home."

Yerin looked at him in question.

"I'm going home after this. I need to fix stuff but I'll see you at Julliard." He explained to her.

The music started playing and Taehyung offered his hand. Yerin gladly took it and she was led to the center of the ballroom.

She finally loosened up knowing it was Taehyung holding her and dancing her around. The night went better than she thought it would. She spotted Sehun dancing with a beautiful girl but she looked a lot older than Sehun and it relieved Yerin.

They both ate together, laughed together and danced a lot together. They were indeed having fun.

Yerin then excused herself to go to the bathroom, she relieved herself and fixed her make-up before heading out. When she looked at their table, Taehyung was on the phone and was looking anxious talking. Yerin sensed something was wrong. Taehyung bolted out of the auditorium in a hurry. Yerin followed him.

Taehyung was too fast that Yerin wasn't able to catch up. She spotted him across the road entering his car. She was about to cross the road when a van suddenly stopped right in front of her. Several men wearing black went out and took her inside the van and they covered her eyes.

She shouted but she knew no one would be able to hear her.

Not again. She thought

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