Chapter 31

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Yerin and Sehun were on his car on the way back to Yerin's. She was so shaken with all the truth that she had learned. She couldn't stop blaming herself for being the cause of all the ruckus.

"None of this would have happened if not because of me, wouldn't it?" she asked Sehun.

"It's not your fault Yerin. Im Soo Jin has problems. She is not on her right mind. You have to stop blaming yourself." He encouraged her.

Yerin wasn't able to stop her tears from falling and Sehun was hearing her sob that he had to stop the car by the road to comfort her.

"What's wrong?" he said holding her.

"You must have been scared for years Sehun. You were alone, you were threatened, you were controlled and I wasn't even able to do anything for you. You should have told me sooner, we could have done something together." She said as she reached out for him.

"I was.." he answered her. His strong eyes turned vulnerable. "But what could I have done? She was hurting you. I am more scared of losing you than being controlled by her."

Sehun was allowing himself to break down and let everything out. He wasn't strong, he wasn't brave, he wasn't unbreakable. He was weak, he was vulnerable, he was scared. With Yerin holding him like this, he let himself out of the wall he built around himself.

He was tired.

Yerin pulled him to her arms as he surrendered. He needed her, badly..

"Don't leave me." he wept.

Yerin pulled away and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I'll protect you this time Sehun." She said.

Sehun wiped his tears and nodded. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "I love you Park Yerin. Everything's going to change now." He said.

Yerin reached out for his hand and interlocked their fingers. "I love you too Oh Sehun." She answered.


"I'm sorry Taehyung for judging you too quickly and for not listening to you first. I got so blinded with protecting Yerin. I should have believed that Elena wouldn't do such thing. Hale is right. It is my fault. It's my fault that she died." Chanyeol told Taehyung.

The other kept listening to him allowing him to let his frustrations out.

"She was a good person, the best I have met. She was always so kind to everyone. She didn't care of what status she had against other people. I can't believe I doubted her. I can't believe I wasn't even able to apologize to her before she died." He kept sobbing.

"Hyung." Taehyung patted his shoulder. "I know she has forgiven you. She never stopped thinking of you and Yerin even before she gave up. She wanted to apologize to you for doing that to Yerin. She wouldn't want you to keep blaming yourself."

"When she last called me. She said that when I meet a Park Chanyeol, I'd tell him that she was thankful for treating her as part of your family and for loving her." Hale said. "And that she loves you so much."

That didn't help ease the suffering Chanyeol felt. He would've flown anywhere Elena was the moment and hold her just to set things right, if only she was alive and breathing at the moment, Chanyeol wouldn't care if he had to swim every ocean just to get to her.

"I hope she forgives me for what I've done." Hale said. "I fought with the wrong person."

"If it helps, once everything is over, I could take you to where she is." Taehyung offered them.

Both nodded.


"Are you sure you want to do this Lian?" Kris asked his sister as soon as they reached home. "You could get hurt." He said.

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