Chapter 27

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"Why did you hide it from us Yerin? He could have hurt you and we wouldn't even have an idea. He could take you away and we wouldn't even know about it" Sehun frustratingly said. They were inside his car at the school's parking lot. Yerin was still sobbing at the passenger's seat.

"He is not going to hurt me." Yerin still insisted.

"How can you be so sure!" Sehun almost shouted at her. "Don't you know how awful and useless it feels for us? We're letting you go with him anywhere. We trusted him and we trusted you. How can you have kept something as important as this to us?"

"He didn't mean to hurt me Sehun. He was sent here to look after me. Don't judge him like you know him. You're not the one he spent time with. You are not the one he took care of. It's not you who he tried to make happy. It was me. I'm the only one who can judge him and I know he isn't a bad person."

"How can you be so sure Yerin? Just because he told you? Just because you saw it? Wasn't that what you thought of Elena in the beginning? You're letting yourself get deceived again." Sehun stared at her.

"I believed what I felt!" Yerin answered. "You wouldn't understand. What would you have done Sehun!"

"Didn't you think telling us would have helped you figure out if he was telling the truth or not? Did you not think that telling us would be the proper thing to do to top all of that?" Sehun alleged.

"I was scared. I didn't want you to keep me away from him." Yerin answered.

"And what would happen to you if that happened Yerin? Is he all you ever think about? What about your brother? Don't you understand how hurt he is right now? What about me?" he scolded her.

"I was wrong, I know. But I thought I could figure this out on my own. How weak do you all take me to be?" she scowled. "I can't live the rest of my life under your watch! It's my life to waste! If he hurts me, then it's not your fault. I need to live my life Sehun!"

"You don't get it!" Sehun said punching the steering wheel of his car "You just need to live Yerin! Just live! All of us, your father, Chanyeol, Hanbin, all your friends, me, we only want you to do one thing—live! Because we all know how it feels like losing you. If it was that easy to let you do what you want then we would have let you be but it's not. We're doing this because we need you. For once Yerin, even just for this time please don't be too selfish!" he said.

Yerin wasn't able to answer him. It hit her deeply that she wasn't able to say anything anymore. The tears continued streaming down her face.

Sehun had started the car and drove away from their school.

Yerin just let him take her away. "Where's my brother?" she whispered.

Sehun glanced at her. "I don't know. But don't worry about him for now. Kris is with him." He answered.

Yerin just nodded vaguely.

They reached Yerin's house and Sehun assisted Yerin out of the car inside.

"Is something wrong? Are you sick love?" Yerin's father asked in concern.

"I'll tell you later uncle. I'm taking her to her room." Sehun nodded to the old man and he nodded back at him.

"I can go on my own Sehun." Yerin said but Sehun didn't let go of her.

Yerin never saw Sehun this serious, angry and scary in her life. She couldn't find the right words to tell him to at least ease his anxiety.

She knew she was wrong, but at that time, it was the only right thing to do.

He lied her down in her bed and covered her with a blanket. He made his way to her couch and sat there.

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