Chapter 24

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Yerin sat down at the rehearsal room feeling frustrated and sad with how her conversation with Taehyung ended. She left without knowing how Elena died, if she really was dead or if everything Taehyung said was true.

It was the middle of the morning classes and she couldn't just barge in to their room. No one was looking for her because they think she might be with Taehyung since he didn't attend class either.

She took a deep breath to calm herself. She kept reminding herself of everything Taehyung said. Those were words that are so hard to believe but it all seemed so right at the same time.

Ever since Taehyung came, he had not done anything to her except to make her happy and protected like how he said his sister wanted him to do. He could just be telling the truth to them all this time.

But she also keeps reminding herself that a lot of people want her to look after herself because they couldn't trust anyone easily anymore.

She had to keep herself safe for her brother. She didn't want him to suffer like how he did before. She didn't want to see the horrible picture of Chanyeol dying in worry and fear that something might happen to her or that someone might take her away. She at least had to take care of herself for her brother.

She also remembered Sehun and all they have gone through. She had to prove herself to him that she wasn't that weak and that she wouldn't get hurt in her choices. She had to make Sehun see that he made her strong and that he didn't need to worry about her anymore. She wanted to make Sehun live without a part of him always prioritizing her safety.

She remembered everyone whose life was bothered because of her.

Despite her feeling of wanting to believe in everything Taehyung said, she forced herself to slow down, look at everything around her and check once again. She needed to step back to see what was ahead of her.

She couldn't let herself get too blinded and fail to see that Taehyung might be leading her to the wrong road.

This time, even just for this time, she was in charge of herself. This was the responsibility she have failed to do for years since everyone has been doing it for her, but now, she had to take it. This time it was her against the world.

The only problem was that she didn't know where to start.

"Chocolate shake, your favorite." A pack of drink was handed to her. She looked up only to see Sehun standing in front of her.

She took the drink, placed the straw and drank from it. "Thanks." She smiled at him.

Sehun smiled back before sitting down beside her. "Remember when we were kids, we used to share a pack of chocolate shake with the same straw.."

Yerin's brows furrowed "And your point?" she asked yanking the drink further away from Sehun.

Sehun chuckled. "It's yours Yerin." He said. "My point is that, we used to share almost everything before, even secrets. We used to laugh together, cry together, get scared together. We used to talk about how we would want our lives to be when we grow up."

"I remember." Yerin grinned as pictures of her childhood with Sehun came rushing back in his mind.

"You used to comfort me when my mom gets mad at me. You said that I can tell you everything and that you won't judge."

"And you wouldn't tell me anything because you were too selfish." Yerin frowned.

Sehun chuckled. "I just thought that why would I drag someone into my own problems? They have theirs too and they didn't need to think of mine. But I did listen to one thing you told me to."

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