Chapter 1

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Yerin and Hale headed back to their room for their first period. It was still the middle of the first quarter of school and all teachers were still on a strict time watch.

 Yerin was so sure of what would happen to her once she comes late: first is how her beautiful attendance record would be messed; and second is how she will have a good scolding from her dear brother once they are left alone.

With all her might Yerin tried to sprint towards the room but as she passed through the door, she bumped into something or someone as a matter of fact. She lost her balance and was about to fall back when a pair of arms caught her by her waist and pulled her back close enough that she was an inch close to the body that owns those arms. 

“Are you okay?” she heard a whisper and felt the warm breathing of the person holding her and judging from the deep muscular tone of the voice, and the muscular body she was resting on it was a boy. 

“YERIN!” the room echoed. Chanyeol, Luhan and Kai all made their way towards the front of the class, kicking away anything that was along their way. 

“Are you okay?” she heard all three echoed.

“Are you okay? You pabo! Couldn’t you watch where you’re going?” Chanyeol pulled and examined her sister like she just had a major accident. Luhan and Kai both stood there beside Yerin.

“I’m okay. I was just worried of being late so I ran off like that.” She guaranteed the three and turned towards the guy behind her. He was a new face to her. “I’m so sorry for bumping in to you like that and thank you for not letting me fall” she said. The guy just nodded his head.

Chanyeol escorted Yerin back to her chair and Luhan and Kai followed behind them but Kai was a bit uncomfortable with what happened that he turned back to the guy. “Thank you for saving her but never hold her like that again. You understand?” he said but did not wait for anymore answers.

Lian who was watching everything from her seat scoffed the scenes in front of her. She didn’t like how everyone makes such a fuss when it comes to Yerin.

“These people are overacting. It’s just a bump, she didn’t even fall” she whispered from her seat. 

“They’re just worried. They love her.” she heard an answer beside her. She looked at him. He never cared for anything around him before. It’s the first time he ever said anything like that. Heck he never talked about other people before and it made her worry for something she’s not sure of.

“Do you?” her voice trembled, as she shifted her gaze in front not wanting to look at his face.

 “Do you… love her too… Sehun?” she repeated. She didn’t know why she was asking these kinds of things to her boyfriend but most of all, she didn’t know why she’s so scared of what he might answer.

Sehun was keeping his blank face not showing any emotion and not wanting to look at Lian because it has always been hard for him to see her hurting. 

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