Chapter 11 (REUPDATE)

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Sorry about this extra chap.. I have learned that chapter 11 can't be opened on phones so I decided to reupdate it in this part.. If you have read chapter 11 you can just skip this :D


“Come on. Hold her hand tightly and her back and swing her around. We are all professionals here guys, There is not time to act timid and shy. Act like you’re in the situation itself. Yes just like that. Lower!”

Sehun sat at the corner of the room as he watched Taehyung swing Yerin on her back with the choreographer constantly telling them what to do and how to do it. It has been their third day of learning the dance choreography they would perform on the school’s talent show. Taehyung wasn’t showing signs of progress.

He remembered the day of the audition. Although he didn’t regret it, he still somehow felt pained for someone.



He stood there on stage and had no idea on how to start. He grew nervous as he realized the number of eyes that were eyeing on him, anticipating, wondering. He didn’t even have music.

Suddenly the speakers of the theatre echoed a familiar tune. He looked at the control panel located at the back of the theatre and saw Baekhyun there grinning and giving him a thumbs up.

He really prepared everything.

This was the same music Sehun had danced at an important event once that had him several requests and offers.

His feet glided with the music and for the time being, he felt like everyone was now gone in front of him.

Dancing was his escape, it was his release, it kept him sane. He loved the feeling of using his own body to interpret, to narrate a story or to just let out his anger and every emotion he was keeping in his heart. Every breath he inhales with each step, every breath he exhales with each glide makes his heart take over everything, his entire being.

He knelt down with his hands on the floor as he was catching his breath. His heart felt so happy to be released once again. It felt good to let go.

When he dances there is no one else in his mind but himself…

And Yerin.

He lifted his head and saw the very girl he always sees clapping for him after every performance, smiling at him, mouthing to him of how proud she is.

Yerin taught Sehun how to dance.

Sehun was a short-tempered child. He was destructive once he is pissed off. It was Yerin who taught him how to vent his anger out on dancing, and he was doing it ever since, and in every dance he does, he would always see Yerin nod in satisfaction like how she did in the past.

He shook his head and Yerin disappeared from his sight exchanged with a theatre hall with people on their feet clapping and cheering. He saw Byun Baekhyun jumping up and down with a huge grin on his face at the back. But he wasn’t hearing their noises, once his vision caught the sight of his girlfriend standing up and leaving the place.

He wanted to follow her but he held himself. After all, he didn’t have anything else to say. He didn’t want to say sorry again because everytime he did, he would just hurt her again.



Sehun heaved a deep sigh as he remembered when Lian was waiting for her in front of the school the following day and what she told him.

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