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Taehyung sat at the benches at the airport's lobby waiting for his flight to be called. He was looking at the pictures on his phone, pictures of him, Yerin, Sehun and all the friends he had made. He was trying hard to restrain himself from throwing his ticket away and just get back and forget about going home.

He didn't even say goodbye to them.

If only.

I'm finishing everything back home and come back here as soon as I can. He thought to himself

"Taehyung!" Yerin voice suddenly shouted as she run across the airport lobby.

"Yerin!" Taehyung called surprised. He stood and waited for her to reach him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well we had to say goodbye. You can't just leave like this." She answered.


"Yeah, me and the others." She answered as she pointed to her back and all their friends were walking towards them.

"Yaaah Kim Taehyung. You weren't really planning on saying goodbye!" Chanyeol shouted at him.

"He's right. After everything we've been through, you're just going to leave like nothing mattered to you." Hale seconded.

"Hey, hey guys relax. It's not like I'm never coming back again. I was even planning on coming back here in two weeks."

"What?" Chen exclaimed. "Then it's pointless coming here. We thought you were never coming back again."

"Oh come on!" Taehyung bellowed. "How can I live not seeing Yerin for a long time." He said as he winked at Yerin.

"We're going to the same school" Sehun scoffed as he pulled Yerin to his side.

Taehyung just laughed. "Seriously everyone, I didn't bother say goodbye because I was really planning on coming back as soon as I can. I have learned to love this place and the people in it. It's already my second home. You guys are like family and I like to spend more time with you."

"Awwwe. That was sweet." Baekhyun cooed.

"Come back anytime you wish Taehyung, we'll always be ready to welcome you" said Luhan.

Taehyung beamed at them. "Thank you all for being here. "I've been having second thoughts of leaving because I didn't say goodbye, but since you're here I'm more comfortable in leaving knowing I have people I'm coming back to" He said.

He walked towards Sehun. "Take care of Yerin while I'm gone okay?" he told him.

"You didn't have to tell me." Answered Sehun, he fist bumped with him.

Taehyung pulled Yerin into a hug. "I love you princess." He whispered. "I'll see you soon"

"I love you too Tae. Get home and come back safe. We'll be waiting." She answered. Taehyung nodded at her.

He said his final goodbye to everyone and they all bid their farewell to him.

They watch as he walked deeper into the airport.

"Who ever knew someone like him would come to our lives, change everything and make it fall in their rightful places." Chanyeol uttered.

"Certainly not me." Sehun answered.

Everyone had a smile tugged in their lips.

Taehyung stared outside the window of the plane as they slowly fly away from the airport, from Korea, from the place he met the people who completed his life.

There was no doubt about it. He will definitely come back.


Taehyung hurriedly and excitedly went off the taxi when they reached the street to their house. He didn't inform his parents that he was coming home so he can surprise them. He opened the door and shouted.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!"

The maids greeted him and welcomed him back.

Suddenly, his mom emerged from the dining room wearing formal clothes.

"Taehyung, son." She smiled. "We've been waiting for you."

Taehyung brows furrowed. "You were?" he asked.

She nodded. "Come. Your father is waiting for you at the dining room. So is someone very important."

"We have a guest?" he asked.

"Yes we do." She answered as she took his hand and pulled him towards the room she came from.

When he entered the room, he first saw his dad sitting at the front of the table laughing. He looked at the two other people sitting side by side at the table he didn't recognize. One was a boy, the other was a girl.

He walked towards his father.

"Dad." He greeted him.

"Taehyung my boy. Welcome back home son." He answered as he stood and hugged him. "Say hi to our guests son." He said.

Taehyung bowed "Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung. They call me Ethan Kim here, welcome to our home." He said.

The girl stood, smiled and walked towards him.

Taehyung was watching her coming closer to him. Suddenly he felt something familiar about her, her hazelnut eyes, her smile, the way she walks, the way she looked at him.

"Hi Ethan." She said before she pulled him into a hug.

Taehyung's blood turned ice, his smile faded, his eyes widened, he was frozen at the very spot trying to decipher what was going on.

She pulled away. "Welcome home my dear brother."

It hit him hard, his eyes were on the verge of tears. "E...Elena?" he crackled.



Elena is alive... 

Sequel? I'm sorry but no...

New story? Yes...

My next fic is about Park Chanyeol and Elena and it's featuring Infinite's L. It's like a continuation of Fall for You only we now focus on Chanyeol :D I'm really excited to start it.. I've already posted the book on my porifle :D Please look forward for it... 


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