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''Yerin, your brother is waiting for you'' my nanny said just in time when I have finished combing my long brown curly hair.. Yes, I've got a nanny not because I'm a spoiled brat but because I'm not capable of doing some stuff on my own.

I looked at the way I look with my uniform and smiled contented.

I'm not the usual type of girl who needs to wake up at 4:30 in the morning just because she needs 2 hours to put on her make up. I don't like putting make up on, it's uncomfortable and I've always believed in natural beauty..

Give me forty five minutes and I'm perfectly ready for school but my brother has a different ritual and he finishes always a little earlier than I do because if there is one thing he hates the most, it's arriving late to class.

I ran to the hallway, down the stairs and took a different turn heading to the kitchen. Nanny was already waiting for me holding out a brown paper bag.

''Thanks nanny.'' I called, grabbing an apple and ran outside to the car. I opened the door and entered sliding myself beside my supposedly 'pissed' brother but he just loves me too much for that and that's not a joke. He was looking at me straight faced..

''I love you oppa!'' I smiled innocently at him.

Immediately that heart-stopping smile of his came into my view. No wonder girls worship him at school everyday and yet he never took any interest in anyone anymore after her.

''I love you more kiddo!'' he said ruffling my hair then kissing it afterwards.

''You just ruined the reason I came late'' I pouted causing him to chuckle and messed my hair more.

''I don't understand why you girls care so much about these tiny things'' he said looking at me questioning. That's the problem with my brother, he's like allergic to girls ever since that tragic day except for me of course.

''You want that question be answered then get yourself a girlfriend again. That way you'd understand how the female race works'' I said seriously.

I looked at him and he was just keeping his calm face although I know how different he feels inside. He's been hurt before when he fell in love and he doesn't deserve this, the reason I've been bugging him to go out and date again but he won't listen.

''Naaah.. I'm not ready yet. Besides, I still need to keep watch of my little sister especially that everyone just seems to take interest in you..'' he said smiling again. I've always been thankful of having a protective and caring brother but I hope he thinks of himself sometimes.

I nodded and kissed him on the cheeks and he placed his hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. People say we look like a couple but we just really love each other that much.

I took the jumbo sandwich inside my paper bag and immediately drooled at the sight of it.

''I wonder if your admirers would get turned off once they see you eating that'' he said looking at my food.

''I don't care'' I muttered because no one and I mean no one can ever take me away from food..

The car stopped in front of the entrance of the school. My brother went out of the car and I followed afterwards.

''Yo! Park Chanyeol!'' I heard that familiar childish voice of his that goes well with his cute child-like attitude. He and his 'troupe' as he calls them were coming our way.

''Hey. Tao.'' my brother greeted back.

Oh right. That's my brother Park Chanyeol, the funniest, most handsome, most talented and most loving guy in campus but I just felt obliged to say that. He's a year older than me but he went to the states with his best pal Wu Yifan to study but did not continue so they came back afterwards and so they're on the same year as me. He's a musician, a player of different kinds of instruments but never a player to girls. He is handsome alright, justified by having his own girls fans club.

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