Chapter 5

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Sehun didn’t intend to make a ruckus inside the class. It wasn’t like him at all. He panicked at everything he has been hearing and was also shocked at how he reacted with it but he didn’t have any idea on how to stop it in any other way, all he thought was that he needed to stop Yerin from going out alone with a guy he doesn’t trust at all.

Why would a guy who barely knew a girl ask her out just like that? Except if he has other motives. But what’s making him mad right now is why Chanyeol let it go easily and why Yerin wants to go too after what had just recently happened to her. He doesn’t get an inch of sense in it. 

He wanted to rant more and more but he doesn't have the courage to do so.

Somehow he wished he was just over reacting it.

Everyone was looking at him. Their stares were all confused, wondering and one-deadly. He was hearing whispers he did not want to understand behind him. It was like he was being melted to the ground for what he said.

His gaze met the impending tears of Lian who surely did not like what he said just now. He felt really bad for hurting again.

His mind was bugging him. He did not know what to do.

He sprinted out of the room leaving everyone shocked, making all students outside the corridor wonder what had happened with him including Chanyeol and Kris who were laughing walking side by side.

He ran towards the stairs going to the rooftop. It’s the only place he knew would be empty. It's the only place he'd be free from eyes that could judge him when he curses himself and the world.

The cold wind welcomed him as he opened the door. He took several deep breaths to calm his nerves but it doesn’t seem to work. He felt all his blood boiling.

“Damn it!” he cursed himself.

He got startled when a hand dropped by his shoulder. He turned to look at who it was when a knuckle connected with his jaw in full force making him fall down to the ground. He could taste blood in his mouth and he spit it out. He stayed there on the ground without even any thought of attacking back.

He looked at the person who punched him and he was massaging his knuckles while looking at him murderously.

That moment he wished that he would just really murder him.

“Congratulations for deserving my very first punch you bastard.” Kris said. Sehun stayed still. He knew he deserved that punch, he deserved a lot more than a single punch. It was understandable, he hurt Lian and Kris never really liked him.

 The look of the teary-eyed Lian comes into his mind once again and he felt his chest tighten up. Lian was important to him and he didn’t want to hurt her like how he did earlier.

“I’m sorry” he whispered addressing it to the person who wasn’t there.

“That’s enough Kris. Let’s go. He knows who he’s messing with right now. I’m sure he learned his lesson” He saw Chanyeol pulling Kris’ arm while glaring at him.

“Why don’t you just leave my sister alone if that’s what you’ll keep on doing to her? She deserves a lot more than that Sehun! Stop hurting her God damn it!” Kris started shouting with Chanyeol constantly pulling him away. “Hurt Lian one more time and I’ll be arranging your funeral!” he finally said before turning around to leave.

He watched as Kris walked past the door but Chanyeol stayed there with his back on him. Sehun was still wondering why Chanyeol permitted Yerin to go. He knew that Chanyeol was aware of what had happened recently, and what had happened before.

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