Chapter 20

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Taehyung stood from his bed and took small uncoordinated strides to Yerin who was in turn looked horrified of being inside the room with him.

"Listen to me." he tried conversing with her, pleading for her to give him a chance.

"You're Elena's brother." She whispered wiping the tears in her eyes. "The person I like is the brother of the person who tried to harm me before."

It didn't help what she said. Taehyung was surprised and horrified. "What?" he asked. "Did you just say you like me?"

Yerin started to walk towards the door. "I like you Taehyung, and I came here to tell you that I'm willing to take a risk for you. I like you and that's real. What about you?" she faced him. "Was yours real? Or did Elena tell you to come here and ruin my life all over again?"

"Yerin. My sister...." Taehyung wasn't able to finish because Yerin already strolled out of his room and probably out of his life for good.


Yerin run out of Taehyung's house impulsively. She wasn't minding the stares the people around were throwing at her.

She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it.

It was all planned. Elena came to their life to hurt Chanyeol and her, and to leave a scar in their lives. Now, Taehyung came and she didn't know what to believe in anymore.

Was everything that Taehyung and her have gone through part of his scheme?

Was coming to her life and making her fall for him part of their plan to hurt her once again?

Because if it was, then they succeeded.

Yerin wasn't even sure where the load was coming from anymore.

She remember the times when her brother Chanyeol, Sehun, Luhan, Kai and everyone around her tried protecting her from Taehyung. She remembered the times when she acted so tough and challenged life's irony.

She defied them and trusted him.

This is where it led to. If only she listened to them, then she won't hurt like this.

She wasn't sure how far and how long she was running. She reached the highway and found a cab.

"Please take me somewhere I can be alone." She ordered the driver who was looking at her from the rear mirror.

She stared outside the window and thought. What else does life have in store for me?

A few minutes later the cab stopped. "No shows until Sunday. This is the most private place that I know." Smiled the driver. Yerin looked at the building. It was the theatre.

"Thank you" Yerin said paying her fare.

"You're welcome." Answered the old man. "You know you are very young and you still haven't tasted the ultimate bitterness of life. It's unfair but you can't change it, all you can do is go with it. Trust, love, get broken, learn and become stronger."

"I think I have an inkling of life's sullenness. I've been through a lot."

"Then you're very lucky. After this, you'll have plenty more years to enjoy your share of happiness. Just learn not to live in regret. Life may be so cruel but it can also be very pleasant. Go and re-watch your life, the times that you laughed, the times that you were happy. That will help you cheer up."

Yerin smiled at him. "Thank you. I think I needed to hear those words." She said.

She went out of the cab and entered the theatre hall. It was spacious and dark. No one was around. She took a sit at the center chairs and stared at the large red curtain at the stage.

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