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Tyler POV

The 'Kids in Care Forum: Surgery', was a great way to hear the views and opinions of young people in care. Learn about how they truly felt about the social care system and what changes they wanted to see.

Or so I'd thought.

I'd thought that this would be a serious meeting, where all the kids would raise up important issues that we could discuss at the forum. Sasha was complaining about Dexter who was complaining about Sasha, Jody was upset with her mum, Ryan thought everyone had it in for him (which truth be told, they did) and even Floss was complaining about the trip that Mike had cancelled!

My notebook was getting full with complaints and hatred and I couldn't keep up with everyone's demands! It was all, "Do something, Tyler!" and "Listen Tyler!"... and then my pencil broke. I decided to go and have a lie down.

It wasn't the first time that the stress of being a representative had gotten to me. I'd learnt from my mum that sometimes all we needed to do was go to our happy place. A place where we felt calm and serene. Peaceful.

Call me daft but I'd stuck up a picture of a tropical island above my bed. It was a beautiful picture, complete with sandy beaches and never-ending sea. I used to imagine myself there; drifting away and sipping on coconuts, feeling the warm sun against my skin. As I sat there I could almost hear the whoosh of the ocean waves seep in through the walls, getting louder and louder until they were filled with a million squabbling voices.


I sat by my laptop later that day when all the voices had quietened to a hush. I had to create a podcast on something unique but every time I opened my mouth; nothing came out. I had zero ideas.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I was supposed to have sent it off ages ago. I was way past the deadline! 

Stifling another yawn, I tried to stay awake.May-Li approached me concerned.

"You still not been getting some sleep?"

I shook my head wearily, all these projects had been playing on my mind.

She advised that I went downstairs, perhaps a new environment would get me thinking. Noticing the pictures of the island above my bed she came up with an idea for the podcast.

"You ever thought about interviewing this lot? You know, see what they'd take to a desert island?"

"Hasn't that been done?"

"Yeah but you could put your spin on it..." she recommended.

I didn't have a spin. I'd tried so hard to think of a good idea, and now I couldn't think of anything. Podcaster block.

I went to the living room and found a desk to sit at. For now the house seemed quiet; the perfect time to create a podcast! I decided a new approach, speak freely and hope for the best.

"Living with your mates is all well and good. But what we all really want is our own space. A place to get away. A desert island..." I noted until a realisation came to me. Perhaps May-Li had a point with this whole desert island thing, it was where I'd been wanting to escape to this whole week.

Jody pinched me on the shoulder, jolting me out of my daydream.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You've been well weird lately!" she exclaimed, raising her eyebrows, "All mopey..."

Mopey? She could talk!

"Well you've hardly been a barrel of laughs either!" I scoffed, before realising how hurtful that sounded. "Sorry. Have you spoken to your mum?"

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