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Tyler POV

You know that feeling you get when you've finally worked out what you want from life? That warm bubble of excitement and anticipation? I'd figured out my goal.


I mean, I'd already been involved with writing up news articles for the 'Kids in Care' forum but I wanted to take it one step further. Mike got me a work experience placement at Five Bridges Radio and even though I spilt coffee all over my manager on my first day, it had showed me how much I wanted to investigate stories.

I managed to help this old man called Ralph Palmer whose house wanted repossessing by this company called Douglas. It was a complicated story to say the least, but I got to the bottom of it and even managed to interview him live on air.

Who knows, maybe this time next year... you'll be hearing me across the nation!

"What are you dreaming about?" Jody asked, wandering into the living room. She held out a glass of orange juice to me and I took it smiling. The Dumping Ground felt a lot different now.

In the past few weeks a lot had changed. Alex had returned for good, and Kazima had left to live with her dad. We introduced a new girl called Taz and had to say goodbye to the twins.

And while all of this was going on, Jody and I had only grown closer in the knowledge that if we didn't end up living with our families again, we had each other. Speaking of which...

"Do you want to do something today?" I asked her.

Jody raised an eyebrow at me, "Like what?"

I thought for a moment, "We haven't pranked anyone in a while..."

"That's cos we've already pranked everyone in this dump!" she replied, before crunching on a crisp.

Ryan slid up behind us, "Not Mike..."

I looked up at him curiously. What was his agenda now?

"What's that? Mike's never been pranked?" Sasha asked loudly, entering the room.

We all hushed her loudly, as Mike strolled past us with the washing. Close call!

"I guess we're doing this then..." I smiled mischievously.

Jody POV

Ryan had come up with the idea. He grabbed an old FOR SALE sign, and stuck it in the front of the house. He even managed to create a fake news article that seemed pretty legit. It was slightly scary how good he was at this.

"You sure this'll work?" I asked him.

"Positive," Ryan replied with a smile that suggested he wasn't new to this particular prank. I shook my head before grabbing my phone. It was all set. Tyler went to grab Mike who looked absolutely exhausted.

"What now?" he asked.

We explained what had 'happened' as Mike looked more unhappy by the second. I got out my phone and started filming. Ryan was right, this was so funny! As he studied the article, he frowned confused.

"That's not how you spell 'Oligarch'... and that looks remarkably like Alex!" he sussed. Oh well, prank over!

"Are you filming me?" he asked as I grinned and stopped the recording.

"Got ya!" we exclaimed giggling. This was by far the highlight of the day.

But Mike's face said something different.

"Phone. Give me your phone!" he demanded angrily. Oh seriously? It was just a prank! He snatched it from me as we followed him back into the house, upset that our prank had failed.

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