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Tyler POV

I bit off the end of a chip, wincing at the sourness of the vinegar I'd poured in. We were sitting by the steps, hungrily tucking into our kebabs but the uneasiness in my stomach wasn't from hunger.

How could she?

How could she be so stubborn and refuse our help? She must know that Kingsley was using her, just like he always did. Yet still, she didn't seem to care what we thought. She was too wrapped up in her fairytale fantasy that she couldn't see the truth.

I knew how that felt. Given how things had been between me and Mum.

But I couldn't forget how Jody had turned me away like that. Like all our years of friendship at the Dumping Ground meant nothing now Kingsley was here.

 Like all our years of friendship at the Dumping Ground meant nothing now Kingsley was here

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Mo turned to me, "Jody's brother was nice, wasn't he?"

Not him as well!

"He's not nice. At all," I told him in disbelief.

"But people change.." Bailey mentioned casually.

"Yeah Jody has.. she's mean now.." Mo added.

They continued discussing whether we'd get all the stolen objects back. I doubted it. It was too late to convince Jody to give it all back now. She'd made herself clear.

"You know what? Tell Mike, tell the police, tell everyone! I don't care what happens to her anymore!" I shouted before storming off angrily.

Bailey and Mo caught up with me eventually.

"C'mon Ty, she's your best friend!" Bailey tried wrapping an arm around me.

"You heard what she said; she don't want anything to do with us," I noted sadly.

Mo sighed, "Do you want to take the bus home then? Tell Mike.."

I nodded before wandering away. It was her fault. We'd tried to help, but she'd pushed us away. Pushed me away.

The bus came and left and I found myself the centre of attention. Neither of us really wanted to leave her there. Bailey finally turned to look at me.

"You happy?" he asked.

"No, not yet"

Jody POV

I was so absorbed by the book, that I didn't notice my hacking coughs until too late. My chest was burning. I glanced up reluctantly, and noticed the swirling, grey smoke waft in under the door.

Oh no.

I saved my page and ran to the door, desperately turning the handle. The door wouldn't budge. I felt the room heat up, as my heart pounded against my chest. I was trapped.

The fire alarm finally went off, but it was too late.

"Help.." I shouted, feeling unable to speak. I quickly placed a towel under the door.

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