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Jody POV

He should've been here by now.

Glancing at my watch one more time, I tapped my foot nervously on the ground. This plan was risky enough without Tyler being late as well. One thing was for sure, if he didn't leave now then I'd be forced to see Luke by myself.

To say I was nervous would've been an understatement.

I'd grown up a lot since the last time he'd seen me. I'd stopped being that impish child who ran around the house searching for chocolate biscuits and adventure books. I wasn't as naïve as I had been. And I was certainly a lot more cautious about the decisions I made.

Giving that witness statement had certainly stirred up some trouble with Kingsley. Luke might have supported my decision back then, but maybe he regretted it now given that Kingsley was after him.

And where the hell was Tyler?

We'd made plans ages ago that I'd wait for him by his radio station and we'd travel back to the DG, but not before meeting Luke. Things were a little rocky between us since the weekend I'd gone away. I'd learnt that Mike had offered him another opportunity to go on holiday with his family if he could spare the cash, and Tyler had gone a little too far with a plan to raise money for his trip. He'd ended up on the wrong side of everybody in the DG, treating them all like slaves for his cause and even nicking some cash from Mike's stash.

It wasn't like Tyler to act so irresponsibly and even though I forgave him for his moment of madness, I couldn't fathom why he'd been so desperate. It was almost as if he would do anything to spend more time with Sally and Kamal and I wondered if that's what he truly wanted.

A life with them instead of at the DG. With me.

He'd brought up the idea before, moving away so we could be together without any of Mike's consequences but I'd shut him down. It would've been too weird for me, not seeing him in the house everyday.

But what if that's what he really wanted? What if this was yet another thing Tyler was reluctant to tell me?

What if he was having second thoughts..?

"Mum's face was a picture!"

"She asked me to DJ! Of course, I was going to play that song..!"

My ears pricked up as I heard Tyler's voice drift towards me as I leaned against the bus shelter. I glanced through the rain-streaked glass as I noticed Piper striding by his side. The two looked to be in fits of laughter and my gut clenched with envy. Tyler only laughed like that when he was with me.

What was I thinking? It's not like we were actually physically together, anyway.

"Jodes! I completely lost track of time..."

I smiled shortly. "It's fine, we can get the next bus."

He forgot.

He forgot

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