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Tyler POV

It was tricky at first to get my head around the whole speaking laptop thing but at least I'd found something of a solution to our troubles. If this did actually end up working!

I'd wandered off to find the others, trying to find some sort of clue hidden in the map.

I'd wandered off to find the others, trying to find some sort of clue hidden in the map

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"Tyler!" Jody exclaimed, jolting me from my thoughts. She ran across the grass and hugged me fiercely, startling me. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her.

"I thought you were lost!" she exclaimed, before pulling away hastily, "Not that I was worried. At all, actually..."

I watched her go towards Sasha confused. Okay...?

Sasha looked between us grinning as Jody quickly muttered to her to not say anything.

"So were you scared of...?" Sasha asked smirking, as Jody stepped on her foot to hush her.

"Ow, I wasn't going to say anything!" Sasha whispered back as Jody apologised quietly.

This was weird, but I had bigger things to tell them about.

"Right... well, quite a lot of news," I said interrupting their little discussion. I showed the map to them as they recognised the people on the front who looked like us on the island. I turned the map over to show them Ashdene Ridge.

Sasha looked up at me confused, "How did you..?"

"The 'me' from the magic laptop gave it to me, only it wasn't me, well... not really..." I tried to explain, "So this 'me'..."

"In the magic laptop?" Jody asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah," I replied, realising how stupid it sounded, "He said the only way to get off this island is to face our fears or something.."

"The magic laptop," Jody confirmed, still puzzled. True, it was a weird story but how else could you explain the map with the pictures of us.

"You've been out in the sun too long and forgot that you drew it?" Sasha suggested.

"I'm telling you this happened. You believe me, don't you Jody?" I asked her as she struggled to come up with a response. I guess they didn't believe me. Somewhere from behind me, Floss appeared and ran off towards the beach. Weird.

"What's up with her?" Sasha asked.

"Oh she thinks Ryan's cool now that he's all evil and stuff..." Jody explained, before turning to me, "He found food but he won't let us have it."

Typical. I guess a lot had happened while I was in the cave.

"Just chill!" I told her after a while, "I mean, none of this makes any sense does it? Just go with the flow."

I decided to walk off and find some more clues. Face our fears? If the magic laptop was right, then all of us had to figure out what we were scared of. Right now, I wasn't scared. Maybe just a little annoyed that everyone else had turned up on my island, but I'd been living the dream.

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