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Jody POV

"How's our boxing champ?"

May-Li handed me a protein drink as I returned from my 3K run. I'd plucked up the courage to return to the boxing ring again, despite seeing Brandon lurking in the background. Things were still a little awkward and I wasn't deaf to the whispers of the other kids, but I was intending to focus on my training.

Regional try-outs were coming up and I wanted to prove that I could do it. With Brandon managing to shake my hand as a show of his moving on, I felt confident that things would work out. I still had a lot of work to do but my training plan was running smoothly so far.

Ryan wrinkled his nose at the green drink, "That looks disgusting."

"It's alright actually, full of protein to build muscle," I commented, before pinching Ryan's arm. "You should try some."

He winced annoyed as Tyler grinned and poked him in the ribs. I had to admit, Ryan had definitely changed a lot these past few months... sure, he could still be grumpy and snarky but he'd given up his scheming and was spending a lot more time with Chloe. She was definitely directing him down the right path.

"Yeah go on Ryan..." Tyler smiled, "Unless you're chicken?"

We watched on in anticipation as Ryan drank from the glass slowly, before proceeding to spit it out in the sink. Ryan didn't have the stomach for a lot of foods never mind a protein drink.

Once I finished my drink, I headed towards the front door. Ten o'clock had come and gone and I was expecting the postman with my confirmation letter for the trials. Swiping up the screen on my phone to double-check the time, I noticed a string of voicemails in my notifications and all from the same unknown number.


Holding the phone to my ear, I gathered up the pile of letters and was about to head back inside when a muffled voice startled me and suddenly everything seemed to slow down to a halt.


The letters tumbled from my fingertips and settled on the ground and I found myself shaking intolerably. Yet my fingers stuck the phone to my ear and I couldn't unhear the message. My breaths seemed to come in waves and they were so loud that I could almost hear the air gasping through my lungs...

And then I realised that he was breathing heavily too.

"Jody... hi, um..."

I swallowed as the dreaded introduction came; yet another bombshell to ruin my life.

"It's me. Luke, your brother...MESSAGE TWO, SUNDAY 8.55AM..."

The robotic voice jolted me from my state of shock as I found the strength to remove the phone from my ear. I squatted down and pressed my back against the door as I rubbed my face in my hands. At least, sitting here on the little square porch, no one could see the fear or dread plastered over my face... nor could anyone approach me with their concern.

I was alone. Secluded. Safe.

Luke had left me multiple messages but I was still struggling with the first one. The one that had shaken me to my core. I tried not to laugh. The last time I'd seen him was during Kingsley's trial when I'd been asked to give a witness statement. It was one of the only times when I realised that Luke still had my back; even though I'd snitched on Kingsley. He'd even given his own statement and for a while, it felt as though nothing could ever come between us.

But something had.

He'd finished college and then that was the end of that. Disappearing from the Jackson family and leaving me all along to deal with everything that came next. He might've been the only family member I had any respect for but he hadn't come back to see me. I doubted he even knew about the fire and Mum baiting me out for her boyfriend.

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