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"From the top now. Okay? 5, 6, 7, 8..."

A strong beat pulsated through the studio as a series of trainers squeaked against the floor, feet shuffling and sliding rhythmically, faces etched in concentration as they studied themselves against the mirror. As the music came to an end, smiles erupted on everyone's faces and the kids turned to each other, out of breath but satisfied with themselves.

The teacher stood at the front mirroring their expressions, before bringing her hands together and applauding everyone for their effort. She walked over to fetch her water bottle and took a swig from it, her stomach rumbling from the number of classes she'd taught today.

"You're a natural at this!"

She turned around, smiling widely as she noticed her best friend of many years stood beside her looking very impressed. Sasha Bellman had made a name for herself over the years, a local artist who'd had a lot of success with art galleries and was constantly working to improve her technique. She'd had a lot of help from a former DG kid herself, Sapphire Fox and the two were now collaborating on a project about their lives in care.

Jody glanced at her dishevelled reflection in the mirror before checking the time on the clock; she didn't have a lot of time to spare and she needed to get herself ready.

"Thanks. I'm not sure I'll be a natural when it comes to this though..."

For the past few years, the gym had become a second home for Jody since leaving the DG; she'd gone on to win a few national boxing tournaments before settling for becoming a teacher in the boxing ring and in the dance studio opposite. The staff and the members here were all so friendly and welcoming, especially since she was a regular member here and had done a lot to help the gym out.

She'd found herself a community and a career which she enjoyed tremendously. As well as a flatmate who could always be relied on to help her out.

"You'll feel more ready once you get changed. I can do your make-up if you want?" Sasha offered.

Jody nodded with a nervous grin, blowing out her cheeks before deciding to hop into the gym's showers. Outside the studio, the air was cold and breezy. It was the middle of December and decorations for Christmas were being strewn up against the ceilings. She hurried along with her bag slung across her back and tried to calm down her nerves.

It wasn't as if it was the first time she'd seen him since he left.

True to his word he'd made sure to call in as often as he could but as time flew by, the calls and the brief visits became more sparse and for a whole year she'd lost all contact with him. It hadn't bothered her as much as she'd thought it would at the time, but rather it gave her more time to focus on what she was doing in the here and now.

Age had matured her and she understood now that his departure from her life, was just one of those changes which couldn't really be dwelled upon. People changed and grew apart. Life went on. And all that could be left behind were memories of a time long passed.

She'd changed too. As much as she'd thought she could never love another, she had met others. They weren't nearly the same person that he was but she'd enjoyed their company, shared laughs and although nothing substantial had come from those relationships, she didn't hate the mere fact that they'd occurred.

Stepping out of the shower, she got herself changed into something warm and dried her hair as best as she could. Glancing at her reflection she realised that although she'd grown a little taller, it was really only her character that had changed the most these past years. Sure, she still had a temper on her but it was something which she understood better now.

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