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Jody POV

I fiddled around on the laptop as I edited all the clips together, even managing to include some of the clips from the 'Romeo and Juliet' style film we'd made. Laughter and music rippled through the speakers and I found myself smiling at all the happy videos of us.

 Laughter and music rippled through the speakers and I found myself smiling at all the happy videos of us

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Sometimes I couldn't even imagine what it'd be like to live alone.

Sure, there'd be less chaos and drama but you wouldn't get moments like these; ones where we'd all be in sync, living in the moment and having the time of our lives. That warmth that you felt when you knew you were loved and cared for, that little pocket of comfort of knowing that wherever you were, someone had your back.

"That looks great, Jodes..."

I smiled a little wider as Tyler leaned over me to watch the montage of Charlie at her best. She was leaving today, something which despite all of us knowing would happen at some point, still felt unreal.

She was everyone's guardian angel, no matter who they were or what they did. Without her it would be strange and we'd lose our DG mum. May-Li was great and all but Charlie was the one who always had an open door and could relate to everything we'd been through.

But travelling... it was all she'd ever dreamt of doing. Following her grandad's legacy and making a difference in the world, it was clear that she was born for different things. And she'd finally decided to make her mark in the world, show everyone what she was truly capable of.

We couldn't tie her to the DG forever.

"It's gonna be weird, not having her around," I commented.

Tyler nodded in agreement. "Can't imagine how Alex is feeling, his best mate travelling halfway around the world!"

That was true. Alex was never known for being the happiest of blokes, but he'd been especially moody since Charlie had announced her news to the DG. He'd started doing a Ryan, staying away from group activities and just heading up to his room on his own. I had to admit, we were all a bit worried for him, least of all Charlie, but Finn mentioned how he was just preparing for Charlie's departure in his own way.

"What's that clip over there?"

I glanced as I realised I'd still stored the raw footage from the filming of 'Ronan and Julia'. I clicked on it and found a bunch of outtakes from the scenes, before realising Tyler had never seen them. He'd been away that day with Finn, doing some interviews on behalf of Five Bridges.

One of the clips showed Alex and Charlie leaning in for a kiss as part of their roles, it'd been hellish to film since everyone had lost their tempers by then. Tyler nudged me playfully before raising his eyebrows but I knew already that the scene had failed and we'd had to settle for Taz and Sid's edit of the actual scenes to make the cut.

 Tyler nudged me playfully before raising his eyebrows but I knew already that the scene had failed and we'd had to settle for Taz and Sid's edit of the actual scenes to make the cut

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