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Jody POV

No apology. No resent. No guilt.


Even though we all tried desperately to find some justification for Sasha's actions, no one could convince themselves of her innocence. She'd owned up to the crimes and was practically holding out her wrists for a sentence in juvenile prison.


I didn't blame everyone for holding back as she walked out of the office. She'd pushed us all away and it had worked. But if I knew anything, it was that Sasha and I were more alike than people realised.

We both had a tendency to get angry and I knew that her fury hadn't come from nowhere. Whatever it was, Freya was in the midst of it all. This beef that they had was consuming everything around Sasha and destroying everything she'd wanted.

Her DG family.

No one cared more about the DG than Sasha - when she'd been given the opportunity to leave with her brother Dexter, she'd traded it all in so she could remain here. And today she'd completely changed her mind.

There it was again... that nagging feeling at the back of my head; something wasn't right.

And Freya's ghost of a smile as Sasha left the house replayed in my mind a million times...

Tyler POV

It was as though someone had plucked out a hole in all of our stomachs. Sasha leaving for Secure felt like a betrayal of our trust. Freya had insisted that all this time we hadn't known the real Sasha... but it had been years of laughs and drama, not to mention her investment in the whole 'Jody and Tyler' thing.

No one on earth could act that good. She really cared about us.

So why was she sabotaging it all over an old friend?

There was still some time for her though... she was going to be held in Secure until a thorough review had taken place. Perhaps the people there could understand what had truly gone on.

As I cleared up the trail of rubbish she'd left behind, my phone dinged quickly.

It seemed that Jody was already on the case and we were to have a secret meeting in the attic

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It seemed that Jody was already on the case and we were to have a secret meeting in the attic. We made our way discreetly into the room as Ryan, Candi-Rose, and Charlie joined us. The fewer people that knew about this the better... whatever was going on, Freya couldn't find out.

Jody managed to unite everyone over a drawing Sasha had created recently. One of the whole DG family. She was right; it didn't seem like Sasha was one to not care.

"I'm going to speak to Sasha, try and get to the bottom of this," she explained, before heading out of the attic. I stopped her quickly by the stairs, my stomach already swirling with worry.

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