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Tyler POV

Sophie was amazing. Like she was just so cool!

She showed me all these videos of her skateboarding fails and her winning some contests

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She showed me all these videos of her skateboarding fails and her winning some contests. They called her the Red-Tailed Fox.

Because of her highlights.

She didn't seem to mind that I was rubbish with a skateboard, even said she'd give me a few lessons. As I'd chatted away with her, I realised how much we'd had in common. She lived with her nan who was a bit loony and forgetful, like my mum. She made me laugh about it. Said that it's easy to get frustrated but it's not their fault. Besides, it gives you a good story to talk about the next day!

She laughed at all of my jokes! Even the lame ones.

I told Jody all of this as we went back home. She smiled and nodded but seemed distant. Tired, apparently.

Still, I had a lot to thank her for. And Candi-Rose. Who would've known that Tyler Lewis could get a girlfriend? And a pretty epic one at that.

"So how long do I wait to text her?" I asked them, "Jody said tomorrow otherwise I'll be too keen. Still, it gives me time to get some new clothes. Cos Sophie's worth it!"

I skipped around the house, telling everyone. Even Ryan seemed impressed.

"Good for you. Let's just see how long it lasts, yeah?"

"And what would you know about having a girlfriend, Ryan?" I retorted as he smiled disdainfully and sloped off to the garden to do his chores.

Truthfully, at school Ryan did get a fair bit of attention from the girls, but his miserable personality no doubt scared them off. 

But there was something in what he'd said. Sophie had boyfriends before, and well... I had no clue how to be around girls! What if I said something wrong and completely messed things up?

Sasha smiled and looked at me, "Take no notice. From what I've heard, that Sophie seems to like you. A lot."

I smiled somewhat reassured. I had a good feeling about the dinner. Maybe it would be the start of something special? Candi-Rose confirmed this as she helped me pick a suit for the night. According to her magazine, my zodiac sign "would discover new sentiments" tomorrow.

"Tyler!" Jody exclaimed loudly, barging into my room, "Sophie said that you should text her so you ought to do it now cos you shouldn't play games with people's feelings!"

I looked at her confused. She was out of breath. And flushed. Maybe all this talk of romance was getting tiring now.

Candi-Rose eyed my hand, "Tyler, is that still on the back of your hand?"

I flicked my wrist and grinned. Seeing it again gave me a thrill. I'd managed to get a date. An actual date. Jody was not impressed.

"You not copied it out?" she asked grabbing my hand tightly and inspecting it, "Candi, can you get a pen?"

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