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Jody POV

My blood was close to boiling.

I was pacing the room, trying to ignore the noise in the background and focus on Mum's voice. I could hear what she was saying but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. All I knew was that she needed me.


Any other day I would have been delighted to go and meet her, but it was getting annoying now. I could barely focus on anything; constantly glancing over at my phone to see if it would ring. My one escape route out of this place.

"Lend me three quid for the bus again, would you Tyler?" I sighed, aware of the seconds ticking down inside my head. 10 minutes. That's all I had. Mum would be livid if I didn't...

"Again?" Tyler asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Where are you going?"

"Swimming," I replied smoothly. The lying really had become second nature to me. No one could know what was really going on. Besides, it was only for a little bit just until Mum decided to do things properly.

"Without any stuff?" Finn pointed out. I ignored him.

"Come on, I'm going to be late!" I emphasised, as Tyler grudgingly gave me the cash.

"I want that back yeah?" he called after me, as I hurried out of the room.

9 minutes.

As I turned the corner, I spotted Charlie walking out with a beige bag. She'd lent it to me the last time I had to hurry over to my mum's. I caught up to her.

"Charlie, can I borrow that bag?"

She looked at me suspiciously. "Again?"

What was it with the questions today?

"Yeah, it goes with Candi-Rose's jacket..." I replied, quickly grabbing the bag off her and throwing out her stuff. She was going to give it to me eventually; I was doing her a favour! 

8 minutes.

"Jody!" she shouted, as I sprinted to Candi's room.

"Candi, I'm borrowing that jacket okay?"

"You spilt ice-cream down it last time!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah we need a cleaning fee!" Taz added snarkily.

Why was everyone on my case today?! Couldn't they see how stressed I was?

"Shut up! Who asked you?" I told her annoyed.

"Why don't you wear your own jacket?" Candi suggested. Seriously? It was just a jacket!

"Can I take it or not?" I asked her, as the seconds ticked away.


I sighed frustrated, and decided to take one of Candi's necklaces instead. She wouldn't miss it. 

7 minutes.

Running down the stairs, I chucked back a quick apology to Archie who got accidentally whacked in the head by the bag. I told Floss to tell Mike I was going to the library, just as the door rang. Perfect timing.

Some woman wearing shades entered through the door, as I pulled a cardigan on.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Heidi Agnes Hedwig Larsson, and you are a very frowny girl..."

Whatever. All I knew now, was that I had to make the impossible happen and somehow get to Mum's on time.

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