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Tyler POV

The day had finally come. Carmen and Tee were leaving for the Halfway House, and none of us knew how to feel about it. These were the girls that Jody and I had known since joining the Dumping Ground, and now they were leaving. Forever.

Mike and May-Li smiled sympathetically at our sudden silence at breakfast.

"C'mon you miserable lot, there's still a lot to be done before they leave. We need to get the party started!"

I grinned. Mike could always cheer us up on days like this. And one day, it would be us leaving the Dumping Ground, starting our new lives.


For some reason, I couldn't imagine leaving the Dumping Ground without Jody. I mean she was my best friend after all!

"What's the first thing you'd do when you leave here?" I asked curiously, as we hid under the table to surprise them

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"What's the first thing you'd do when you leave here?" I asked curiously, as we hid under the table to surprise them.

"Haven't really thought about it.." Jody replied.

Such lies.

"Of course you have! I mean we all have. I am going to move in with mum, eventually.." I wondered aloud, before realising how insensitive that must have been, "Sorry.."


"You know.. with your mum and Kingsley being in prison and all that.." I mumbled, "Sorry I didn't think.."

"That's alright," she reassured me, "Kingsley's doing okay. He's passing exams and stuff. He's changed!"

I couldn't help but return her smile. Maybe we would all get our happy ending after all!

Jody POV

I didn't really know what I was doing. It just... sort of happened. Like second instinct. And then Kingsley kept texting me, asking me about whether the flat was ready for his arrival.

Someone had to step up.

And this was only temporary. Just until he got back on his feet. But Carmen's reaction to the stolen photo, made my insides stir. I mean, what was wrong with just printing out another photo of us?

But I stole from her. From all of them.

And the worst thing was, Tyler had no idea. No idea, that I'd planned to go live with Kingsley. But he'd understand right?

He'd understand that family came first. My real family.

"Jody? You alright?" his hand came and rested on my shoulder. I flinched involuntarily in surprise.

"Uh.. yeah!" I replied, "Just sad about them leaving, y'know.."

He seemed to accept that answer and May-Li called him away to meet his social worker. I needed to cover up what I'd done big time. Knowing Carmen, she wasn't going to let this drop until she left, and no one wanted that to happen. Especially not on Tee and Carmen's last day.

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