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Jody POV


My eyes flew open as I banged my head on the headboard.

I groaned, rubbing the sleep dust from my eyes before frowning in confusion, "What the..."

I took in my surroundings; walls that were green instead of blue, clothes littered everywhere, posters of Dynamo, Penn & Teller

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I took in my surroundings; walls that were green instead of blue, clothes littered everywhere, posters of Dynamo, Penn & Teller... oh. I'd slept in Tyler's room last night. I'd finally managed to doze off to sleep, with no horrifying nightmares to keep me awake all night. I shuffled and glanced at the clock on the table.


My eyes widened; we'd overslept!

I shifted to the other side of the bed where Tyler was sleeping peacefully. Any other time, I would have giggled at how hard it was to see his face under that mass of hair. But this was serious.

"Tyler! Wake up!" I hissed, nudging his shoulder in vain. He grumbled back. Great.

I quickly scooted out of his bed, and placed my ear against the door in case anyone was nearby. I heard footsteps come and pause just outside the door. I held my breath.

"Mike, have you seen Jody? I can't find her, and her duvet's disappeared! You don't think..?" May-Li exclaimed.

"We'll check again, she can't have got far," Mike advised and their voices grew more distant as their footsteps receded. Sighing, I resolved to get out of Tyler's room before Mike and May-Li found out.

I saw the door handle turn, and I leapt behind the door as it opened.

"Tyler! Mate, you still sleeping? Why aren't you on your bed?" Bailey asked in disbelief.

"Leave me alone..." Tyler muttered, crawling under the duvet.

"Do you know where Jody is? May-Li thinks she might have done a runner," Bailey added, as Tyler finally got up.

"Jody?" he laughed dazed, "She's..."

I glared daggers at him to shut up, as I desperately tried to flatten myself against the wall.

"Uh, I don't know, sorry mate," he quickly replied as Bailey left. I clicked the door shut behind me.

"You idiot," I said shaking my head, "If he found out I was in here..!"

"I'm sorry alright!" he exclaimed, stretching his arms, "But you could just explain that you had a nightmare."

"No," I told him, "Boys and girls can't share rooms! Besides, it's not going to happen again. I just had a nightmare, that's all."

He raised his eyebrows but let it drop, "Alright fine, let's go downstairs.."

Tyler POV

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