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Tyler POV

"Sometimes..." I began wistfully, "Life on the DG island is weird. For some it may sound cool; living with so many of your friends and winding up the social workers on a daily basis. But the longer you stay, friends become family and that's when some of us realise that care isn't too bad..."

Taking a breath, I chose my next words carefully, almost testing them on my tongue... feeling myself approach the foreign, the damned... the forbidden...

"But like I said, it's weird. You think you're growing up, getting used to it and yet we all have those moments where it all circles round and you're left feeling like the class clown that got dumped into care again. The sad joker..."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, as I spoke aloud once more... quieter and yet surer. But still very much damned.

"Except this time it's different. It's not about the backstory that comes with every kid in care but about something else. Something you thought was safe, but the more time goes on it becomes harder to forget. That's the thing about the DG - there's no privacy. No matter how hard you try to avoid something, you can't. It's not as simple as forgetting and moving on..."

I sighed burying my face in my hands, before talking again.

"The bonds you make here are more than family. These people you share your life with, in some ways, they're very different, but when push comes to shove, they know how you're feeling. They'll be there for you when the whole world has abandoned you. So when something threatens that bond, the very thing that keeps us sane... well... it's hard to move past..."

I paused the recording there, not really sure how to conclude this podcast and educate others on the best solution, when I could barely think of a way out myself

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I paused the recording there, not really sure how to conclude this podcast and educate others on the best solution, when I could barely think of a way out myself. I glanced at the time on the clock; she'd be there now.

With him.

I'd never bring myself to say exactly how I was feeling; I had too much pride for that. All I knew was that she wanted a best mate, and that's all I could be for her. I'd been fine with it until he came round.

And had asked the one thing that I'd been feeling and thinking all these weeks.

It was my own fault. Or maybe it was for the best. Either way, I knew now that things wouldn't be the same again. I'd lost the Jody I knew. All because I couldn't admit how I truly felt...

Jody POV

I stretched my legs as I jumped out of the minivan; feeling restless and ready to hit the gym soon after I'd gotten changed. It felt weird to acknowledge how boxing had changed my life; I finally had something to channel my emotions into and strangely... it was addictive.

May-Li and I had grown closer through our weekly exercises and much like her own mother, she'd mentored me and had given me loads of tips on improving my stamina and speed. Nothing felt as good as breaking a sweat after the gym, and having a cool shower and getting on with work. I was motivated and focussed, plus my school grades had picked up.

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