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Jody POV

I was still a little flustered after Tyler decided to try and kiss me. I knew he was only joking but it was too soon! I'd only just managed to get me and my feelings back together.

Still, I didn't deny that little jolt of happiness when he grabbed my hand as we strolled to the bus stop.

Yes, the bus stop. As it happened this fancy dinner that Tyler had boasted about, wasn't actually that big of a deal. It was just in some small rented-out community centre, with budget napkins and cutlery and of course, care kids!

"I don't get why you're so excited about this dinner anyway! What's happening exactly?" I asked him as we stepped onto the bus.

Tyler raised his eyebrows and looked at me, "Well... it's run entirely by kids in care! There's going to be music, dancing and maybe even a few awards!"

I scoffed at the last part, "For what? Best-Looking Care Kid?"

He nudged me grinning, "Imagine that! Nah... it's just awards for people that have been putting in a lot of work to keep the forum running."

He looked down thoughtfully, as I realised how much fuss we'd both made over this dinner. All because Floss had some stupid imaginary game about us!

"I don't think Sophie would have liked the dinner. Y'know if she were here," Tyler reminisced as I looked down, hiding my disappointment. He was still talking about her, after everything that had happened today.

I tried not to care, but Tyler seemed to pick up on my quietness.

"I'm glad you came though. I'd have gotten lost, and well... we'll have more fun!" Tyler exclaimed, as I smiled a little. Of course, he wasn't fully over Sophie - I didn't expect him to be - but maybe a part of me kind of wished that I hadn't stuck my big foot in it and messed everything up.

As we got off the bus and walked to the hall, it was more obvious now that our friendship had changed. However much we tried to act normal, we would always remember the time when our friendship had been tested to its limits.

We'd almost lost each other.

Tyler POV

As we walked through the crowds of care kids filling up the tiny hall, I tried not to lose Jody who was trailing behind me. I had no idea how big the turnout was going to be!

We finally found our table and grabbed the snacks that were on offer. Some catering company were setting up the main food on a bench behind us, and my stomach rumbled as the smell of food wafted past me. I glanced at Jody who was peering over my shoulder at the proceedings.

She seemed pretty astounded by the look of the place, and I had to hold back a chuckle. True, it wasn't exactly fine dining but you had to give the organisers an A for effort.

Within the council's tight budget they'd managed to turn a dingy community centre into a party venue, with decorations streaming from every corner, balloons in the air, a dancefloor, DJ and a whole host of activities. And the awards show hadn't even started!

To anyone else, it would've looked manic; there were programmes strewn across the floor, and little kids running riot underneath the tables! But to us, this was home. A bigger home.

I'd come to this dinner a few times, when Mike thought I might be interested in learning more about journalism and running societies. It'd made me realise how big of a community our family was and I realised that whatever happened, we were all in the same boat.

"Nice suit, mate!" a voice came from behind me, and I stood up to give Cory a friendly pat on the back. I'd met Cory on one of these same occasions and we'd been good friends since, often working on the same projects at the weekends.

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