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Jody POV

We had less than 24 hours. What could we possibly do now?

The words rang in my head on a loop as I struggled to hold it together. Everything we'd done, all the efforts we'd made - surely that hadn't all been pointless? I tried to ignore the strange sensation in my stomach; even thinking about leaving the DG made me feel uneasy.

My home.

I looked up at Tyler, hoping he'd have another ingenious plan but he shook his head not meeting my eyes. I inhaled deeply, forcing myself to stay positive and failing. We needed a miracle.

"Wait," Tee stated, before glancing at her phone and smiling, "Help is on the way..."

A few moments later we were all heading out into the driveway, just as the builders had arrived to start the planning work. A motorcyclist revved up to the house and took off her helmet. A flash of brown and blue hair came into view and she strolled towards us shoving past Dumbleby. I watched relieved, as Elektra gave Floss a quick hug before gazing around at all of us.

"Yo! Oldies,newbies..." she began, before casting a withering glare upon Mike and May-Li, "...Tee, Johnny and you must be Mr. Dumbleby!"

"Dumbleby?" he asked confused, as we all sniggered.

"Don't you know, that's what they call you? Elektra," she introduced, shaking his hand, "President of Elm Tree House and Ashdene Ridge's former resident action group..."

I frowned. What was Elektra up to? She never came to visit, not since she'd got her new job at the garage. Still, Tee seemed to think she could help. Just then, Mrs. Umbleby came rushing out of her house looking distressed.

"Peter, check your email!"

Elektra grinned widely as Dumbleby checked his phone, "Oh that's probably my MP; she's a total legend!"

"Suspected site of archaeological interest... they're delaying the sale?" Dumbleby shrieked, as the good news flooded over us like a wave of relief.

A cheer ripped its way through all of us; we still had time!

"Tracy's donated £500!" Tee added joyfully. A thought occurred to me.

"We don't even need it. I mean, if there's history here then they're not allowed to build. Right Mike?" I asked unsure of my conclusion.

"Yeah!" he replied, before shrugging, "I guess?"

We watched as Dumbleby shouted down the phone, "That's ridiculous! What am I going to tell the developers?"

"That there could be a Roman villa right beneath you?" Tyler grinned, as we all cracked up.

There was no way Dumbleby could knock us down now. It felt like the Ancient Romans had risen from the dead to save us again! We needed a miracle and we got one! I wasn't asking Santa for any more gifts this Christmas.

In light of this news, Johnny decided to make his leave. As we thanked him, we realised Elektra had already disappeared on her motorbike. Weird.

"Don't say 'bye' then!" Floss remarked, as we all headed back inside.

The littluns had already started chatting animatedly about the Roman discovery and Archie had even flung a tablecloth over himself to look like a toga. It was amazing news. Christmas was saved!

"Jodes! Let's go out to celebrate..." Tyler began but Mike stopped him quickly.

"I'd still hold onto whatever money we still have, we're not out of the deep end just yet!"

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