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Tyler POV

She might've been my friend, but today I wasn't going to sit down and take any of her rubbish.

"Oh come on, Tyler... he's obviously the better one of the two!"

"Are you for real? Romy's got a sick flow and his bars are on point! Yeah, he's old school but he's still got the game!"

Piper sighed and gave me a look; we'd just come off air as we reported on a recent grime battle that had been sweeping the nation and our opinions were divided. Music was definitely something I was passionate about and it was nice that Piper shared that same love for it; I felt like I could debate with her for days about the topic and it would never get boring.

 Music was definitely something I was passionate about and it was nice that Piper shared that same love for it; I felt like I could debate with her for days about the topic and it would never get boring

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Except my voice was about to die and I needed to leave before Mike began to wonder where I was.

I glanced over to Piper who'd started scrolling through pictures of the one she'd been backing. Well, that made a whole lot of sense...

"Besides, you only like him 'cause you think he's fit."

She raised her eyebrows somewhat appreciatively, as I awaited her comeback.

"I mean he's good-looking but he's not really my type."

"Is that why you've got pictures of him in your camera roll then?"

She slapped me playfully on the arm as I chuckled light-heartedly. Some days she really did remind me of a mini Carmen... constantly obsessing over boys and make-up. She shot me a pointed look.

"I have pictures of other people in my camera roll too, you know?"

"Let me guess, another cheesy boyband?"

We glanced up as Mrs B entered the room looking exhausted despite gulping down her third cup of coffee. I couldn't help but feel a little concerned; I knew that work at the radio station had really picked up but perhaps it was having a greater toll on Mrs B than usual.

She leaned over to fill her mug with even more coffee but I quickly jumped up to sit her back down. If Mike's obsession with coffee had taught me anything, it was that it certainly didn't do anyone any good.

"Maybe you should take a few days off? Piper and I can manage around here for a while," I insisted.

Mrs B looked grateful. "You really are a top man, Tyler. Piper's certainly lucky to have you!"

I frowned as Mrs B began to close her eyes; whatever this was, she was definitely overworking herself and needed to get some rest soon. Whipping out my phone, I dialled Mike to come and pick us up. Hopefully, he'd be able to help out with Mrs B.

Piper grabbed a blanket from beside me and placed it over her mother.

"She will be alright, won't she?"

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