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Jody POV

For once, I didn't make a fuss. I let Sasha and Candi-Rose pick my outfit and do my hair; the whole time, staring right through the mirror at a stranger before me.

I felt numb.

Asking Tyler about what to do,  just confirmed how he really didn't see me that way. To him, I was always just going to be a friend. The crazy girl he'd grown up with who he happened to get along with.

I'd been stupid, allowing myself to wonder if maybe he liked me the same way. There were moments when I really thought that we were on the same page. We'd plan our futures together and finish each other's sentences, and sometimes it felt like we were just two sides of the same coin.

But only as mates.

I had to forget about him now. Never had I imagined that a boy like Brandon would ask me out. He was the sort of guy that all the girls would fall for, but he'd fallen for me instead.

I should've felt lucky or flattered... but all I felt was an empty vent inside my stomach.

He wasn't the worst bloke in the world. If all went well, I'd end up having a nice time with him and the thought of spending time with him didn't make me want to puke. He was as sweet as a guy could get.

He'd been understanding when I finally picked up the courage to call him back. I told him that I'd just been a little surprised and that I still wanted to go if he was still free.

And so here we were.

"A little makeup?" Candi asked, and I opened my mouth to say no but ended up hesitating. I'd never been on a date before; how was I meant to know what to do or wear or say? It'd been incredibly kind of Brandon to offer to pay for my cinema ticket so I felt like making an effort.

Show him that I appreciated the gesture.

"Ok..." I agreed reluctantly, "But let it look natural."

Sasha put down her magazine surprised. "I never thought I'd see the day..."

I glared at her through the mirror and she grinned and came to watch Candi apply a little concealer around my eyebags. I had to admit, Candi did have a talent with makeup... and I found I didn't hate it as much as I thought I did.

"What film are you going to see?" Sasha asked curiously

"I dunno, I think we'll pick once we get there."

"Jody..." Candi interrupted suddenly, "Why don't you leave your hair out? It definitely suits you!"

I glanced at myself in the mirror, realising that Candi had applied a little pink to my lips and mascara and I still looked alright. Normal, even. I watched as Candi took the opportunity to play around with my hair, offering to do a half up-half down style, or a complicated braid but by that point my nerves were already on edge.

I didn't really care how I looked. And the least I could do was turn up on time.

"Just put it up, it's less hassle that way..." I told her, checking the time. 

Brandon had offered to pick me up from the DG, but it'd be less fuss if I just met him by the cinema. It'd save the awkward small talk at least, anyway.

"Okay, I should probably go..." I told the others much to their protest. I wasn't going to stick around long enough to be Candi's makeup guinea pig. It was a good thing Brandon picked the cinema - less talking and more watching.

All I had to do was be myself. Easier said than done. I hurried down the stairs, as Sasha quickly asked me if I'd brushed my teeth. The pair of them had got it into their heads that Brandon and I would end up doing a lot more than just watching a film together.

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