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Tyler POV

There's a certain kind of magic when you see a baby. It's almost tangible, the innocence in their eyes and their curiosity for the world around them. Even if it's just the little things like how a rattle sounds, the softness of a cuddly toy, and the food in your mouth.

We all forget about the little things as we grow older, the wonders of the world can appear so much more dull as an adult and cynicism begins to creep in once you're a teenager.

May-Li had brought in her baby, Henry and though we'd met him before on several planned visits, it'd been a bit of a surprise to see him turn up during her shift at the DG. The childminder was ill and now May-Li was stressing since she had to do a presentation to the funding panel.

I could see her dilemma, not to mention Mike's knowing look. Bringing babies into the workplace wasn't always the best idea.

Sid and I sat down in the quiet room, entertaining Henry with his cuddly toys whilst May-Li tried to call up some mates to look after her child

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Sid and I sat down in the quiet room, entertaining Henry with his cuddly toys whilst May-Li tried to call up some mates to look after her child. Her wife, Alice was away on a course and it looked like she had no one left to turn to.

"May-Li?" Sid asked curiously. "If Alice is your wife, there's something I don't quite understand..."

I held my breath as May-Li allowed him to continue; Sid was never afraid to ask the big questions and his questions could certainly be amusing at times.

"How can two women make a baby together?"

May-Li smiled. "Well, we needed a little help but we decided the baby would grow in my tummy..."

"So Henry has two mums?"


Sid seemed satisfied with her answer as he sloped back off, presumably to do some more research on babies. I smiled and shook my head as I continued to play with Henry. I couldn't help the infectious smile that swept across my face; he really was too cute!

"Could call an agency I suppose..." May-Li sighed.

I frowned, that would take ages! An idea occurred to me; it wasn't exactly playing by the rules but I had nothing much planned for today. And since I'd become more of a risktaker, I figured that my idea couldn't be so bad.

Not as long as Mike and May-Li consented.

"I could do it?"

May-Li frowned. "You?"

Just then, Jody walked into the room a little confused by what was happening. I could always use a helping hand! I gestured to Jody and stated that the pair of us would be able to look after Henry by ourselves.

Mike walked into the room looking doubtful with my suggestion, but May-Li seemed all up for it. She needed someone reliable and right now, we were as reliable as she could get.

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