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Tyler POV

Shrugging on the white blazer, I could barely even look at myself in the mirror. With each second that passed, I felt all the more regretful for having invited Piper. We were just going as friends but it still felt like betrayal.

My fingers dug inside my pocket as I found myself clutching onto the necklace I'd given to Jody.

Despite everything that had happened, I couldn't bring myself to let it go. It meant too much to me. I supposed a small part of me wondered if me and her would go back to normal. Though what was normal anymore?

The time had almost come to leave for the prom. My phone beeped as Piper informed me that she'd just left her house and I quickly texted a reply back to say that I'd wait up for her.

The boys were waiting impatiently in the living room by the time I had arrived, but for once the complaints were replaced with hushed chatter over what the food would be like and how many people would be there.

"I haven't even got a date! Tyler wouldn't even let me ask Piper."

Was Jay still complaining about this? I raised my eyebrows at him before commenting that she was already taken.

"By who?"

"By me."

"That's not fair! You had your chance already."

Bird shot me an apologetic look but I supposed that Jay's reaction wouldn't be too dissimilar to mine had I been a few years younger. Jay glanced at me hopefully as a new thought entered his head.

"Does she have any friends, by any chance?"

I snorted and chucked a pillow at him as Bird shook his head disapprovingly. Not long after, the rest of the residents made their way down the stairs in their glad rags and even May-Li who hadn't anticipated joining in the celebrations had gotten dressed up.

Bird smiled a little sadly as Candi-Rose eventually came down the stairs, gushing to Chloe about her precious Hayden. He had committed himself to find some brighter tunes to DJ for the night but it was clear that he was still a little upset that he wouldn't be Candi's date.

My phone buzzed repeatedly as I realised that Piper had finally arrived. I sighed before planting a smile on my face to greet her. She might not have been the first person I would've wanted to take as my date but she was a friend with who I could have fun with.

"Hi, Tyler."

"Wow. You look amazing!"

And she did. I was impressed that she'd gotten ready at such short notice but she looked prom-ready and I felt somewhat delighted that we were going to the prom together. She returned my smile and I invited her into the hallway.

"I was hoping you'd change your mind."

"Yeah. Course. I mean, why wouldn't I?"

I shook my head feeling a tad guilty that I'd rejected her not too long ago but she didn't seem annoyed with me now. In fact, she seemed just as excited for this prom as I was and a new hope swelled inside me. We would have fun together, me and her.

She smiled wider before glancing over my shoulder.

"Hi, Jody."



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