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Jody POV

I pummelled my fist into the punch bag; imagining Mum's face wincing with every beating. It was a horrid thought, but it let me focus my anger on something else.

 It was a horrid thought, but it let me focus my anger on something else

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May-Li stopped me too soon. We had to get back to the DG; but I was still hurting. How could Mum be so cruel? I'd only gone along with her plan so that she could be happy with Grant and so she could invite me back. A proper family.

My head was still in a daze when we got back to the DG. Mike was irritated that May-Li had taken me out to the boxing ring again, but May-Li explained that she was only trying to help me release some tension. I headed to the kitchen to get some water but when I returned they were still whispering.

"The girl has serious anger issues!" Mike exclaimed. Anger issues?!

"Talking about me again?" I asked, "And I don't for your information, my problem is you! You're on my case all the time and you're trying to... cure me! Stuff your boxing!"

Mike and May-Li were just making everything worse. They didn't know anything about what I was going through. I didn't have issues; all I had were disappointments. No one seemed to care that I was going through a tough time.

I ended up skipping furiously in the garden; looking for some way, any way to let out the tension inside me. A knock came at the gate and I whirled around furiously to find Mum letting herself in. The last person I wanted to see.

"I thought you were going to ditch me; that I wouldn't be your daughter anymore.." I told her harshly.

Mum looked at me apologetically, "I didn't mean nothing by it! Fighting's normal, families do it all the time..."

"Yeah cos you're the expert on families..." I replied. Mum just repeated everything they told her in prison like it was the Holy Grail. She thought she could somehow make up for all the lost days; by acting like she never knew what a real family was before she went to prison.

"Phoned your social worker..." Mum tried.


"Yeah, but Grant keeps stressing about you being gone so I couldn't really talk..." Mum smiled, "He even made me phone your friend's mums, bless him!"

I frowned.

"You don't know my friends."

"I was pretending, duh!" Mum exclaimed. I looked down. Mum seemed like she was being genuine for once. If she had phoned the social then maybe she was serious about me coming home after all.

The thought of returning started to dawn on me. On the one hand, it was the one thing I'd been hoping to get ever since Mum got back into contact. On the other hand, it would mean leaving the DG and Tyler and all of my friends.

I'd already been pushing everyone away. Mike and May-Li seemed to think I had issues and everyone in the house was fed up of me. Might as well just do them a favour.

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